Clovis Lalanne 法國彩妝比賽
During a competition, the French students of the Make Up For Ever Academy have created this series of body painting paying tribute to the famous Japanese artist Takashi Murakami and his pop and colorful artworks. Some amazing and explosive creations captured by photographer Clovis Lalanne, where is represented the twisted superflat world of the artist, like his flowers, his eyes or his skulls.
※Sara Harvey 的橘黃色萬聖節
※Laura Anunnaki的少女心 紋身藝術欣賞
※nora luther 視覺藝術欣賞
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TAG:sudasuta |
※法國Léon Joseph Florentin Bonnat 油畫
※法國CG藝術家 Paul Chadeisson
※法國概念藝術家Paul Chadeisson
※法國攝影師 Valerie Archeno
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※法國新銳攝影師 Fanny Latour-Lambert
※法國藝術家 Marie-Alice Harel
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