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David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

插圖和設計師David Powell 帶來的一組簡約可愛的線條插畫。

Hello! My name is David Rollyn Powell, and I am an illustrator/graphic designer. I am 24 years old, and my wife and I are currently traveling around the US in our van. I absolutely love my job. Being paid to create art for rad companies is something I never dreamed I would have the chance to do, but here I am, doing just that. As much as I love my job, it is still a job. I am not a workaholic, but I will do what ever needs to be done to get the job done, and done right. I am a big believer in a good work/life balance. I work so that I can pursue my hobbies, spend time with friends and family, and enjoy our beautiful world. My art is inspired from the activities that I do, and the places that I go.

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

David Powell 簡約可愛的線條插畫

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TAG:sudasuta |


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