Kazuaki Horitomo 貓咪與紋身藝術
來自加州的日本藝術家Kazuaki Horitomo 創造了獨特的紋身品牌Horitomo。
This unique concept was born out of a combination of Horitomo』s two great passions in life- tattoos and cats. The word Monmon is a Japanese term for tattoo and the term Monmon Cats was perfect to describe his tattooed cat art. Since the publication of his book, Monmon Cats, we have been making prints, apparel and other merchandise and strive to uphold the high quality standard exhibited in his art.
※シモシ(simosi) 遊戲數字藝術CG欣賞
※張若昕 Ruoxin Zhang 幻想插畫欣賞
※Satomi 清新可愛的人物速寫
※Lisa Ericson 魚與花 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞
TAG:sudasuta |
※ImogenTheKitten 貓咪的攝影
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※日本畫家 Yutaka Murakami 畫筆下的貓咪
※Acting cute!DIY刺繡貓咪手提袋
※來自藝術家 Kim Haskins 畫筆下的貓咪
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※Urban Dictionary:每一次你自慰的時候,上帝都會殺一隻貓咪
※Taylor Swift十足的貓咪控,愛貓不計其數!
※貓咪give me five的技能,你們家的有嗎
※四方框框|Ieva Elvyra~貓咪的時尚紙板服裝
※漂亮兩隻貓咪Zoo Studio國外寵物攝影欣賞
※《貓咪斗惡龍》將推iOS版 未來或移植Switch平台