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Americans are living longer than ever, butthe average life expectancy for men in the U.S. is still lower than life expectancy for women. (譯文:美國社會正在逐漸老去,但是美國男性的預期壽命仍然低於女性。)

This Father s Day, help give all the dads and male role models in your life the gift of health in aging with these tips: (譯文:這個父親節,給所有的父親、以及扮演父親角色的人們一些健康老化的小貼士。)

See Your Healthcare Provider Regularly(第一條:規律看醫生)

Even if you feel perfectly healthy, be sure to see your healthcare provider at least once a year. And when you feel sick, call your healthcare provider for help. Surveys find that men are less likely than women to see a provider when they re not feeling well.(譯文:即使你覺得自己的健康狀況非常好,也要至少每年看一次醫生。研究顯示當男性感覺自己健康狀況不好時,他們尋求醫生幫助的比例低於女性)

Take Medications Only As Directed(第二條:在醫生的指導下用藥)

At your next appointment with your healthcare provider, bring a complete list of all your medications, even those you buy in the store without a preion. Why? The longer you live and the more medicines you take, the more likely you are to experience potentially harmful side effects or interactions between medications. (譯文:下次預約看你的醫生時,記得帶上你當前所有用藥的清單,包括那些你在藥店買的非處方葯/保健品。為什麼?隨著年齡增長,人的用藥越來越多,故而發生藥物相互作用、多重用藥損害的風險也就越大。)

Get Your Shots(記得打疫苗)

Check with your healthcare provider to make sure you re up-to-date with your vaccines for the flu, pneumonia, shingles, and tetanus/diphtheria.(譯文:記得聯繫您的醫生,記得您本年的疫苗注射已經完成,包括流感、肺炎、水痘以及破傷風/水痘疫苗。)

Use Sunscreen(使用防晒產品)

Aging skin is more susceptible to sun damage, which boosts risks of skin cancer. Use sunscreen year round and, for added protection, wear a wide-brimmed hat.(譯文:老化的皮膚更容易受到陽光的損傷,並且增加皮膚癌風險。記得在炎夏使用防晒產品,並記得戴一頂寬大的遮陽帽)

Lower Your Risk of Falls & Fractures(降低跌倒和骨折風險)

Osteoporosis is not just a women s condition. Be sure to get plenty of bone-healthy calcium and vitamin D. Do weight-bearing, bone-building exercises such as walking and jogging. Ask your healthcare provider about local exercise programs that include strength, balance, flexibility, and stretching exercises.(譯文:骨質疏鬆並非女性的專利。記得補充足夠的有利於骨骼強壯的鈣和維生素D。做一些負重、抗阻力的運動。諮詢您的醫生,做一些有利於肌肉力量、平衡、柔韌性及伸展的運動)

請您繼續閱讀更多來自 搜狐新聞 的精彩文章:

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