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Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

攝影師Margeaux Walter 善用顏色,人物的服裝甚至是所處的環境,都成為了攝影師的道具,各種顏色的衝撞,讓畫面產生出一種別樣的視覺效果。

Margeaux Walter is an artist born in Seattle, Washington, and now living in New York City. She received her BFA from NYU, Tisch School of the Arts (2006), and MFA from Hunter College (2014). Recent exhibitions include solo shows at the Nohra Haime Gallery and Winston Wachter Fine Art in New York, as well as group shows at the Pentimenti Gallery in Philadelphia, the Griffin Museum in Boston, the Tacoma Art Museum, and the Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts. In 2009, the Magenta Foundation chose her as a top emerging photographer in the United States; she was awarded Juror』s Choice at the Butler Institute of American Art』s National Midyear Exhibition; and she was commissioned to create a large-scale outdoor installation for the Art Omi Fields Sculpture Park in Ghent, NY. In 2014, she was selected by the organization 14×48 to create a public billboard project in New York.

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

Margeaux Walter 的視覺藝術

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