南方醫科大學黎誠耀教授團隊歷經近10年研究,分別在2014年Hepatology和2016年Journal of Virology上連續發表了兩篇關於丙肝病毒狨猴感染模型的文章,為丙肝疫苗和抗病毒藥物的研發與評價提供了有效的技術平台。
丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C Virus,HCV)是經血液傳播、引起急/慢性肝炎的主要病原之一。全球大約有1.8億人感染HCV,感染率約為3%。丙型肝炎病毒感染者55%~85%會發展為慢性感染,其中10%~20%的慢性感染者會轉變成肝硬化,最終約有5%的慢性感染者發展為肝細胞癌。更為嚴峻的是,迄今全球還沒有丙型肝炎預防性疫苗。近年來,幾種HCV抗病毒藥物(direct acting antiviral agents, DAAs)已在國外進入臨床實驗或上市,但價格昂貴,每天1000美元三個月的療程卻也無法徹底清除病毒。缺乏穩定的HCV野毒株體外細胞培養系統及理想的小型靈長類實驗動物模型等技術障礙,直接制約了更多新葯特別是疫苗的研發,嚴重阻礙了丙型肝炎的有效防治。
HCV對宿主有嚴格的限制性,只能感染人類和黑猩猩。可以設想,建立一種理想的實驗動物模型將為研究HCV複製、感染與免疫的機制,為丙型肝炎疫苗和抗病毒藥物的研發提供關鍵的技術平台。一直以來,科學家們試圖建立HCV感染動物模型受到了極大的限制。在靈長類動物中,黑猩猩數目稀少、價格與管理昂貴,感染HCV後病毒多呈現短暫複製且肝組織病變不明顯,我國也不能利用黑猩猩作為實驗動物,限制了HCV感染與免疫研究。其它靈長類動物如狒狒(Baboons)和恆河猴(Rhesus macaques),因HCV在體內複製達不到要求或難以證實,故均未廣泛應用。
小型靈長類實驗動物普通棉耳狨猴(common marmoset,Callithrix jacchus)體重僅250-350克,易於飼養及進行實驗操作,已成為動物模型研究的中心,用於人類生物學及包括傳染病在內的多種疾病臨床前或轉化研究。但HCV並不能直接感染狨猴,那麼HCV的狨猴感染模型是怎樣建立的呢?
南方醫科大學黎誠耀教授團隊從2008年開始利用我國流行的HCV 1b型病毒株完整結構蛋白基因(CE1E2p7)、囊膜蛋白基因(E1E2p7)及主要非結構蛋白基因(NS2-4A),分別替換GBV-B的相應基因,構建了三種HCV/GBV-B嵌合病毒。證實了三種嵌合病毒均可感染狨猴,引起病毒性肝炎病理變化,形成慢性或持續性感染,呈現典型的病毒持續感染特徵和宿主免疫反應,完全可以用於模擬HCV在天然宿主體內的真實活動狀況,為深入研究病毒免疫清除與逃逸機制以及疫苗和抗病毒藥物的評價提供了一個有效的技術平台。研究成果受到了國內外學者的高度關注及肯定,2014年關於HCV完整結構蛋白和囊膜蛋白嵌合病毒對狨猴感染性的文章發表在Hepatology雜誌上(Li T et al. Infection of common marmosets with hepatitis C virus/GB virus-B chimeras. Hepatology 2014;59(3):789-802)。最近,HCV主要非結構蛋白嵌合病毒的狨猴感染模型的文章剛剛在Journal of Virology在線發表(Zhu S, Li T et al. Infection of common marmosets with GB virus B chimeric virus encoding for the major nonstructural proteins NS2-4A of hepatitis C virus. 2016;90(18))。團隊將以建立的HCV感染狨猴為模型進行HCV疫苗和抗病毒藥物的研發及臨床前評價。
Journal of Virology[2016]
Infection of common marmosets with GB virus B chimeric virus encoding for the major nonstructural proteins NS2-4A of hepatitis C virus.
Lack of immunocompetent small primate models has been an obstacle for developing HCV vaccines and affordable antiviral drugs. In this study, HCV/GBV-B chimeric virus (HCV NS2-4A chimera) carrying the major nonstructural proteins NS2 to 4A was produced and used to infect common marmosets, since HCV NS2-4A proteins are critical protease and major antigens. Seven marmosets were inoculated intra-hepatically with HCV NS2-4A chimeric RNA for primary infection or intravenously injected with chimera-containing serum for passage infection. Three animals used as the controls were injected with PBS or GBV-B, respectively. Six of seven HCV NS2-4A chimera-infected marmosets exhibited consistent viremia, and one showed transient viremia during the course of follow-up detection. All these six infected animals with persistent circulating viremia presented characteristics typical of viral hepatitis, including viral RNA and proteins in hepatocytes and histopathological changes in liver tissues. Viremia was consistently detected for 5 to 54 weeks of follow-up. FK506 immunosuppression facilitated the establishment of chimera persistent infection in marmosets. An animal with chimera infection spontaneously cleared the virus in blood seven weeks following the first inoculation, but viral RNA persistence, low-level viral protein and mild necroinflammation remained in liver tissue. The specific antibody and T cell response to HCV NS3 in this viremia-resolved marmoset was boosted by re-challenging, but no viremia was detected during 57 weeks of follow-up. The chimera-infected marmosets described can be used as a suitable small primate animal model for studying novel antiviral drugs and T-cell based vaccines against HCV infection.HCV infection causes approximately 70% of chronic hepatitis and frequently associates with primary liver cancer globally. Chimpanzees have been used as a reliable primate model for HCV infection but ethical considerations have restricted their utility in biomedical researches. GB virus B (GBV-B) is a flavivirus related to HCV. It can infect common marmosets, a New World small primate, and induces viral hepatitis similar to HCV infection in humans. To minimize differences between GBV-B and HCV, we generated HCV NS2-4A/GBV-B chimeric viruses and established a chimera-infected marmoset model. HCV NS2-4A chimera-infected marmosets provide a small animal model for evaluating novel antiviral drugs targeting HCV NS3-4A protease and T-cell based HCV vaccines.
重磅!武大舒紅兵院士Nat Immunol發表抗DNA病毒免疫新機制
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