2016年9月5日,《Nature》雜誌子刊《Nature Microbiology》在線發表了中科院生物物理研究所饒子和院士課題組和牛津大學David Stuart課題組合作的研究論文 「Structure of human Aichi virus and implications for receptor binding」,解析了能夠引起人類急性腸炎的重要病原體Aichi(AiV)病毒的精細三維結構,系統性分析了病毒結構特徵,闡述了小RNA病毒的進化關係,揭示了AiV病毒潛在的受體結合位點,為抗病毒藥物研發提供重要信息。
圖一. AiV病毒的整體結構特徵和基於結構的小RNA病毒進化分析
AiV病毒於 1989 年在日本暴發的海鮮相關性胃腸炎中,首次被發現,其後有關該病毒基因組結構和分子流行病學的研究在國際上相繼報道, 研究認定其為小RNA病毒科,Kobu病毒屬。流行病學研究表明:約60%的十歲以下兒童和90%
近年來,饒子和院士領導的研究團隊結合我國國情和國家公共衛生髮展需要,從事新發、再發人類重大傳染病病原體的結構與功能研究,繼解析EV71、CVA16、Polio、HAV、Ljungan等病毒三維結構後,在小RNA病毒三維結構研究領域又取得重大突破。AiV的整體結構與小RNA病毒科其它成員相比有較大不同,既沒有「canyon」結構,也沒有「hydrophobic pocket」,暗示著AiV病毒的受體結合位點和脫衣殼的模式與腸道病毒不同。然而,AiV病毒外表面具有poly-proline motif,形成poly-L-proline type II (PPII) helix,該motif在小RNA病毒家族中首次被發現,經病毒學實驗證明:該motif 參與了受體識別,與病毒入侵和感染密切相關。此外,研究人員還系統性分析了小RNA病毒的進化關係及決定病毒顆粒穩定性的結構因素。
該研究對於闡述AiV病毒的入侵分子機制和提高小RNA病毒疫苗穩定性具有重要意義,對於抗AiV病毒藥物的研發提供理論指導和新方向。饒子和院士和David Stuart教授為本文的通訊作者,朱玲博士和王祥喜研究員為共同第一作者,該研究得到中國科學院先導項目「超大分子複合物」、國家973項目、國家自然科學基金以及國家重大傳染病專項的大力支持。
Nat Microbiol. 2016 Sep 5;1:16150. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.150.
Structure of human Aichi virus and implications for receptor binding.
Zhu L1,2,Wang X3,Ren J1,Kotecha A1,Walter TS1,Yuan S3,Yamashita T4,Tuthill TJ2,Fry EE1,Rao Z3,5,Stuart DI1,6
Aichi virus (AiV), an unusual and poorly characterized picornavirus, classified in the genus Kobuvirus, can cause severe gastroenteritis and deaths in children below the age of five years, especially in developing countries(1,2). The seroprevalence of AiV is approximately 60% in children under the age of ten years and reaches 90% later in life(3,4). There is no available vaccine or effective antiviral treatment. Here, we describe the structure of AiV at 3.7??. This first high-resolution structure for a kobuvirus is intermediate between those of the enteroviruses and cardioviruses, with a shallow, narrow depression bounded by the prominent VP0 CD loops (linking the C and D strands of the β-barrel), replacing the depression known as the canyon, frequently the site of receptor attachment in enteroviruses. VP0 is not cleaved to form VP2 and VP4, so the VP2 β-barrel structure is complemented with a unique extended structure on the inside of the capsid. On the outer surface, a polyproline helix structure, not seen previously in picornaviruses is present at the C terminus of VP1, a position where integrin binding motifs are found in some other picornaviruses. A peptide corresponding to this polyproline motif somewhat attenuates virus infectivity, presumably blocking host-cell attachment. This may guide cellular receptor identification.
Nature Methods:中國科學家發表基因編輯新成果
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