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John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

英國新古典主義與拉斐爾前派畫家John William Waterhouse(1849年1月至4月間—1917年2月10日)的手繪藝術。

John William Waterhouse (April 6, 1849 – February 10, 1917) was an English painter known for working in the Pre-Raphaelite style. He worked several decades after the breakup of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, which had seen its heyday in the mid-nineteenth century, leading to his sobriquet 「the modern Pre-Raphaelite」. Borrowing stylistic influences not only from the earlier Pre-Raphaelites but also from his contemporaries, the Impressionists, his artworks were known for their depictions of women from both ancient Greek mythology and Arthurian legend.

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

John William Waterhouse 古典主義繪畫藝術欣賞

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