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Sabrina Samra, UK

Let s have some fun and compare Chinese and English girls! I had such an interesting conversation with a Chinese friend here in Birmingham, England, recently about British females. My friend was pretty curious about our behavior, preferences in men, values and principles as a whole.


Birmingham is 42 percent non-white and very multicultural, but I think generally speaking Western culture is completely different than Chinese culture, so I understand her curiosity.


Let s start off with appearances. We all know that in China, one s appearance is important. Jing Daily once reported that HSBC predicted China s cosmetic surgery industry would double in scope between 2014 and 2019, making it the third largest in the world after the United States and Brazil.


Whiter skin, double-eyelids, broader noses and thin physiques are all positives among Chinese men and women. Contrastingly, in the UK (and most Western countries), tall, dark and handsome are stereotypically the name of the dating game for females and males alike.


Arguably more important than appearance is wealth, career and social status in China. This can be a deal-breaker in England too, but not as dramatically as it is among Chinese families seeking the very best spouse for their daughter. In the West, we often follow our hearts over our heads, which can lead us to marrying someone from abroad, from a different religion or a different social or ethnic background. It usually doesn t matter to us if you are rich or poor, because happiness is what matters most.


But then again, statistics say that a whopping 42 percent of all UK marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate, though increasing, is significantly lower in China. Now don t get me wrong, this is by no means is evidence that arranged Chinese marriages are better. It s just that Chinese women are less inclined to divorce someone they don t love or even someone they loathe, because of societal pressures (or money) perhaps being slightly more important to them.


Now let s talk about sex, baby. After only one month in Birmingham, my Chinese friend commented that English girls seem to love to get drunk, party and have a good time. She inquired - and I answered in the affirmative - if this sort of lifestyle leads to one-night stands, casual sex or friends with benefits. I explained, however, that in the West, at least amongst youngsters, first comes the fun then comes the commitment.

好咯,現在來談談滾床單吧~ 我那個中國朋友,來伯明翰才一個月,就評論說英國的妹子都挺喜歡泡酒吧和去派對瘋什麼的。她問我,這種浪來浪去的生活是不是很容易有一夜情,或是和朋友意外擦槍走火什麼的?好吧……我承認,這在西方(尤其年輕人中)的確挺普遍的。大家只管享樂,鮮少提及承諾。

In comparison, according to my Chinese friend, the majority of Chinese girls are not so "easy" in regards to getting laid; most require a formal boyfriend/girlfriend before going to bed together. More often than not, in England you will overhear girls trying to figure out if a guy she has been sleeping with actually likes her, which understandably can be confusing for Chinese migrants here.


Even back in Shanghai, it must be a shock for Chinese girls (and men) to meet such uniquely open-minded foreigners in regards to sex, marriage, relationships and appearance. But seeing as how there has been a rise in China in mixed couples, maybe the locals don t mind trying something different. It is, however, interesting to note that these couples are predominately Chinese girls with foreign men rather than the other way around. I guess most Chinese men are not used to the idea of having a one-night-stand so quickly.


Ultimately, Chinese and English girls are different in some ways and similar in other ways. It s not something we can really generalize, as everybody is unique. But, we must admit that our environment, society and cultural upbringing do impact our behavior. I admit to making many generalizations for the purpose of this article, so if you disagree with anything, please leave me a comment below.


原文:Sabrina Samra


圖:Chen Xia、網路



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