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三招教你捕捉最美秋景 Capture the Most Beautiful Moments of Autumn


As the Golden Week holiday go away and the annual photo contest in WeChat Moments over 「autumn scenery」 has begun, the charm of autumn scenery is displayed through the lens from all over the world. Today let us sort out 「the themes over the years」 of the contest and offer some useful information to you! Of course, let me welcome our guest lecturer – Stanford Residences Jin Qiao and start today』s theme together with me.


Spot theme: scenery photo


Scenery is one of the necessary items to be photographed, especially in autumn, an enchanting season like a beautiful nature picture. Autumn scenery is so alluring described by poets often in rustling wind, reed sound, and flying reed catkins against blue lake, quiet beach and bright moon. For scenery photography, what we express through the lens may be the content, lines, color, lightness and also the overall mood.


Stanford Residences Jin Qiao, committed to advanced modern design concept, take 「health and life」 as its theme of creative design, creating a green and humanistic community and a landscape of green waterfront gardens with natural water resources, seasonal fruit trees and professional jogging track surrounded by green plants running through, which has formed a landscape layout with modern health concept, and provided a perfect and natural environment for health and modern life. Stanford Residences Jin Qiao in autumn will surely live up to your expectations.


Must-do theme: food photography


To take a photo before eating is the necessary ceremony for every person used to online social networking, as happiness and food are closely associated. But in fact, in the autumn that symbolizes the harvest season, apart from the harvest of a wide variety of food, we might have ignored the tableware and utensil that serves food and help food processing.


Stanford Residences Jin Qiao, all equipped kitchens with devices such as Kuppersbusch kitchen ventilator, stoves and ovens readily available, perfectly integrating practical and aesthetic design, intuitively showing the high-end residential art which take account of problems and concerns possibly encountered by the residents in their real use of the house, to meet multi-level needs of the residents over cooking and make them enjoy the comfortable cooking experience brought about by the superb technology.


Additional theme: portrait photography


Portrait photography is critical, whether for selfies or photos of people, because such a photo with a story can always bring a lot of fun in the autumn, when everything is fading away. Character photographed whether over clothing, body or expression against the golden autumn seems to become a star with many 「stories」 to be dug.


In Stanford Residences Jin Qiao, there is such a group of people who have stories - golden housekeepers. In each frame of the lens, you can see them and feel the power of their smiles.


The housekeepers will offer carefully selected gifts for residents』 birthday; offer a cup of warm cola ginger tea when residents have cold; chat and care senior residents like their children; for family with children, they are willing to offer help; and provide special maintenance services as they can for family with pets or plants. All of this has made the image of the housekeepers increasingly vivid and approachable.


Of course, there are so many stories worth to photograph and tell within Stanford Residences Jin Qiao, from the natural scenery in its park, fallen leaves, the running figures on the fire-like runway to the constantly friendly smiles of the housekeeper. Are there any special stories of the golden autumn that can be shared with us?



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