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October is coming! National Day holiday is coming! Are you ready for a trip?


Arxan is picturesque all the way and it will show you the most beautiful scenery. We might as well find a quiet place in Arxan where we can find our inner peace and indulge ourselves in autumn dream.


Arxan has changed into splendid autumn gown with diamonds and gold. The Khalkha River flows on the ground. Sky is clear blue and mountains are mist-shrouded. The mist is like a veil over her gown, so fabulous and amazing!


In the birch forest, golden leaves gather together on the branches. Then a few fallen leaves fall on my palms accidentally. No matter leaning on a birch tree and sitting down on the ground, or lying on the grass and looking up the sky through leaves, or listening to the sound of stepping on the fallen leaves, all of these are moments of solitude. Lonely people may understand it!


Clouds are reflected in the water. It is true that the lake water is the same color as autumn. Mallards play in the water. Trees, grasses and flowers by the lake are as red as fire, as yellow as sunset glow, with some green in it but perfect.


Walking into Arxan National Forest Park, I feel everywhere I see is remarkable as if palettes. So come to Arxan with some friends and have a nice time here.



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