首頁 > 最新 > AMD晶元架構中TEE實現技術之PSP初探








The Platform Security Processor (PSP) is built in on all Family 16h + systems (basically anything post-2013), and controls the main x86 core startup. PSP firmware is cryptographically signed with a strong key similar to the Intel ME. If the PSP firmware is not present, or if the AMD signing key is not present, the x86 cores will not be released from reset, rendering the system inoperable.

The PSP is an ARM core with TrustZone technology, built onto the main CPU die. As such, it has the ability to hide its own program code, scratch RAM, and any data it may have taken and stored from the lesser-privileged x86 system RAM (kernel encryption keys, login data, browsing history, keystrokes, who knows!). To make matters worse, the PSP theoretically has access to the entire system memory space (AMD either will not or cannot deny this, and it would seem to be required to allow the DRM 「features」 to work as intended), which means that it has at minimum MMIO-based access to the network controllers and any other PCI/PCIe peripherals installed on the system.

In theory any malicious entity with access to the AMD signing key would be able to install persistent malware that could not be eradicated without an external flasher and a known good PSP image. Furthermore, multiple security vulnerabilities have been demonstrated in AMD firmware in the past, and there is every reason to assume one or more zero day vulnerabilities are lurking in the PSP firmware. Given the extreme privilege level (ring -2 or ring -3) of the PSP, said vulnerabilities would have the ability to remotely monitor and control any PSP enabled machine completely outside of the user』s knowledge.

Much like with the Intel Boot Guard (an application of the Intel Management Engine), AMD』s PSP can also act as a tyrant by checking signatures on any boot firmware that you flash, making replacement boot firmware (e.g. libreboot, coreboot) impossible on some boards. Early anecdotal reports indicate that AMD』s boot guard counterpart will be used on most OEM hardware, disabled only on so-called 「enthusiast」 CPUs.

採用ARM TrustZone 技術並擁有支持第三方可信任應用程序的基於軟體的可信任執行環境 (TEE)。AMD 安全處理器是一款基於硬體的技術,從 BIOS 層級安全啟動後即可進入 TEE。可信任的第三方應用程序可利用行業標準的 API 充分運用 TEE 的安全執行環境。

AMD直接採用ARMTrustZone技術實現的專用安全處理器。通過與ARM TrustZone 的合作,提供基於 AMD APU 的全新創新型安全解決方案:防病毒和防盜軟體、生物特徵識別技術、電子商務安全。

並非所有應用程序都能利用TEE 的安全功能。目前只有特定的 AMD A 系列和 E 系列 APU 上配有 AMD 安全處理器,提供部分或全部安全功能。



AMD 在特定的 AMD 加速處理器 (APU) 中內置了專屬的 AMD 安全處理器。ARM TrustZone 是一套系統級的安全解決方案,它運行於硬體之上,通過將 CPU 分割為兩個虛擬的「世界」來建立安全環境。保密任務將運行於 AMD 安全處理器(即「安全世界」)中,而其他的任務則以「標準操作」方式運行。這有助於確保敏感數據和受信任的應用程序實現安全存儲及處理。它還可以保護關鍵資源的完整性和機密性,例如用戶界面和服務提供商的資產等等。


AMD 通過 ARM TrustZone 技術整合了一套行業標準方法,將硬體和軟體合作夥伴訪問「安全世界」的綜合生態系統進行融合及管理。這意味著我們的硬體合作夥伴可重新開始構建具有內置信任機制的平台,而我們的服務和內容合作夥伴也能夠依賴這一整體信任機制,開始推出創新的服務並發展新的業務。



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