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Nanoscale Horizons(IF: pending)

1. Permittivity imaged at the nanoscale using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Nanoscale Horiz., 2017, Advance Article

DOI: 10.1039/C7NH00075H

Optical characterization at the nanoscale is a key for the development of new ultra-compact optical devices. This communication by Professor Andreas Ruediger et al. presents the possibility of combining nanoscale resolution with quantitative measurements of the permittivity using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, enabling the mapping of the optical properties of isolated nano-objects.


2. Controllable structure transitions of Mn3O4nanomaterials and their effects on electrochemical properties

Nanoscale Horiz., 2017, Advance Article

DOI: 10.1039/C7NH00078B

Mn3O4, with a high theoretical specific capacitance of ~1400 F/g, is a highly promising electrode material for energy storage applications, though it is less studied compared to MnO2. By tuning the morphology, crystal structure, and size ofMn3O4nanomaterials, Professor Yongqing Cai and Professor John Wang et al. identify the conditions for optimal capacitance.

四氧化三錳(Mn3O4)具有約為1400 F/g的高理論比電容,在儲能領域是很有前景的電極材料。不過,與二氧化錳(MnO2)相比,Mn3O4的研究較少。在這項研究中,新加坡的研究人員通過調節Mn3O4納米材料的形貌、晶體結構和尺寸確定了實現最佳電容所需的條件。

3. Nematic structuring of transparent and multifunctional nanocellulose papers

Nanoscale Horiz., 2017, Advance Article

DOI: 10.1039/C7NH00104E

Transparent papers made from wood cellulose nanofibers are reported by researchers from Japan and Sweden. These papers have nematic structuring, rather than the usual random structure found in such materials, and this is found to result in exceptionally high strength and thermal conductivity, very low thermal expansion and superior gas-barrier properties.




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