首頁 > 最新 > 最創意FLIRTIONARY!教你用英文撩妹撩出新LEVEL








// 英語撩妹flirt語錄 //

1.My ideal body weight is yours on mine.

2.If you stood in front of a mirror holding 11 roses; you will see 12 of the most beautiful things in this word.

3.Hershey makes a million kisses a day, I』m just asking for one.

4.I』m not flirting. I』m just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive.

5.I can』t taste my lips, could you do it for me?

6."Hey, i』ve got 2 words for you."


"I love you."

"Huh, isn』t that 3 words?"

"Cuz you & I are one."

7.If you were a tear , I would never cry in fear of losing you.

8.Feel my shirt. Does that feel like boyfriend material?

9.I just ate some Skittles.

Wanna taste the rainbow?

10.Boy: Do you like water?

Girl: Yes

Boy: Then you like 80% of my body.

11.One reason God created time was so that I could spend mine with you.

12.Because of you my reality is better than my dreams.

13.If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?

14.Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it right back!

15.Hey do you have an extra breath? Cos you just took mine away.

16.Is it hot in here or is it just you?

17.I"m not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.

18.Do you have a map? I"m getting lost in your eyes.

19.Let"s flip a coin.

Head"s you"re mine.

Tails I"m yours.

20.You look ill. You must be suffering form a lack of Vitamin ME.

21.I"ll give you a kiss.

If you don"t like it, you can return it.

22.My mom thinks I`m gay, can you help me prove her wrong?

23.You are hotter than the bottom of my laptop.

24."You like sleeping?"


"Me too! We should do it together sometime."

25.Wanna hear a joke?

You and I are still not together.

26.Smile. It is the second best thing you can do with your lips.

27.Roses are red, my face is too.

That only happens when I"m around you.

28.I"d say "God bless you,"

but it looks like he already did.

29.Most of the time, I sleep just to dream about you.

30.I still remember the first time I fell for you.

I haven"t gotten up since.



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