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想約學霸大牛來一發Coffee Chat,你必須懂怎麼寫郵件!

原標題:想約學霸大牛來一發Coffee Chat,你必須懂怎麼寫郵件!

怎樣的coffee invitation email.


How to draft a coffee chat invitation?

由於每個人的寫作風格不同,沒有一個固定template是可以保證100% success的,但做到以下幾點可以幫助你提升被回復的機率:

?? Keep it short.

不要把郵件寫得太長!不要把自己的「豐功偉績」通通寫在郵件里試圖激起被邀者的興趣;可以根據你對對方的了解提出你們的共同點來加深印象,例如「I am also graduating from UofT」。點到即止言簡意賅,越長的郵件對方越不願意讀(過來人的教訓)

?? Remind the person who you are.

如果對方是之前見過面的company rep,在郵件開頭可以寫類似於「It was nice meeting you at XXX event, I had a great time talking to you about XXX」的一句話,稍微提醒一下對方你是哪位同學。

?? Be clear about your intention if possible.

讓對方對你發出邀請的動機有個大概的了解,知道what to expect;但不用解釋太多,你有一整個coffee chat的時間詳聊,一句話能寫明白的不要用兩句話。如果實在想不出理由,可以說「I would like to catch up with you and was wondering if you would be available to meet up some time in the next two week」 (如果對方實在很忙的話可能不會答應)

?? Offer your time availability & be flexible about the location.


?? Indicate that you 「look forward to hearing back」.

這句話雖然客套,但也kindly remind了對方你在等待ta的答覆。

?? Have a professional email signature.

郵件最後的落款最好有個和你自己business card一致的簽名,你的phone number和 email,這樣也方便以後聯絡。


professionals都非常忙,每天要回復上百封郵件,有很多更加緊急的priorities,可能短期內沒有空餘時間 。

若對方兩到三周內都沒有回復,可以」reply」自己之前的郵件(保持原郵件的標題)給對方一個簡短的follow-up 類似於「Just want to follow up on my previous email…if you could confirm that you have received it that would be great」;也可以選擇就此move on(取決於你與對方見面的願望有多強烈)。但無論結果如何,放平心態放低期望,以後總有更多更好的機會!

以下是小編寫給在networking event上有過一次交流的某位professional的 coffee invitation。搜索引擎還有許多模版,此文僅供參考。

Subject line: Greetings from[Name]at[Event name]


It was awesome meeting you at[event name & time]! I truly enjoyed our conversations about[topics]and was thrilled to learn that you are a fan of[common interest]as well.

Since you have prior experiences in[X]industry, I am interested in learning more about your career transitions and would really appreciate some insights from you regarding[topic]. Would you be available for 30 minutes during the week of[date]to meet up over coffee? I will be free anytime after 4pm on Tuesday through Friday. If you could let me know a time and location that works best for you that would be wonderful!

Hope you have a great weekend, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best Regards,


B.Com Candiate 201x

University of Toronto

[email] | [phone]






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