Guterres on New Year"s video speech said: "today is my first day as the United Nations secretary general. There is a problem weighs heavily on my mind. Millions of people are in conflict and suffering in the can"t see the end of the war. How can we go to help them?" In the war, he says, there are no winners, everyone loses. He said: "on the occasion of the New Year"s day, all I please and I together, together make up a New Year"s resolutions: let us make peace in the first place."
Guterres calls for citizens, the government, the leaders try to make 2017 to overcome the differences of the years of peace. He said: "peace must be our aim, our pointer. Dignity and hope, progress and prosperity, these are we strive to achieve to the human family, they all depend on peace. The peace to depend on us to achieve them."
TAG:深大向小姐 |
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