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真愛至上 (2003)
甜蜜圓滿的婚禮、婚姻里的浪子回頭、心酸而幸福的單戀、小朋友們的初戀,《真愛至上》(Love Actually) 把十齣不同的愛情故事巧妙串聯,編成一張溫暖的情網,網住了我們的心。另外,本片集合了休叔、臉叔、花生、凱拉·奈特利等人聯袂出演,堪稱英國最強卡司陣容聖誕片。
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All of London is in love -- or longing to be. Love Actually involves more than a dozen main characters, each weaving his or her way into another"s heart over the course of one particularly eventful Christmas.
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The seemingly perfect wedding of Juliet and Peter brings many of the principals together, including heartsick best man Mark, who harbors a very unrequited crush on Juliet. There"s also recent widower Daniel, trying to help his lonely stepson Sam express his true feelings to a classmate.
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Across town, devoted working mother Karen tries to rekindle the passion of her husband, Harry, who secretly pines for a young colleague of his. Providing the unofficial soundtrack for all of the couples is an aging rocker who just wants to cash in and get laid -- but even he might find a meaningful relationship in the most unlikely of places.
《真愛至上》(Love Actually) 中的感人片段:
聖誕精靈 (2003)
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On Christmas Eve, a baby boy crawls into Santa Claus"s sack at an orphanage and is unwittingly transported back to the North Pole. When discovered at the workshop, the elves name him "Buddy" because he is wearing "Little Buddy Diapers", and he is adopted by Papa Elf. When the news is finally broken to Buddy that he"s not a real elf, he decides to head back to his place of birth, New York City, in search of his biological family, spreading Christmas cheer in a world of cynics as he goes.
聖誕前夜,一個孤兒院的男嬰爬進了聖誕老人的大口袋,無意之中被運到了北極。當精靈們在聖誕老人的工作室發現他時,因為他正穿著「Little Buddy Diapers」字樣的紙尿褲,就給他起了「Buddy」這個名字, 精靈爸爸收養了他。當Buddy終於知道自己不是真正的精靈的時候,他決定回到他出生的地方,回到紐約市找他的生父生母,一路上,他給這個滿是憤世嫉俗著的世界帶來了聖誕的歡樂。
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Elf is often ranked among the greatest Christmas films of all-time, and since its release has joined the many films which air annually on television during the holiday season.
聖誕夜驚魂 (1993)
Tim Burton是一位很有個性的導演,他喜歡哥特風和暗黑童話,但又保持了天真正義,在《聖誕夜驚魂》中他用暗黑的動畫風格搭配執著可愛的主人公骷髏Jack,營造出了不一樣的聖誕氛圍。看慣了溫暖而歡樂的聖誕電影,不如嘗試一下這種奇幻另類風。
Photo credit: Getty Images
The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 American stop-motion animated musical dark fantasy film directed by Henry Selick, and produced by Tim Burton.
《聖誕夜驚魂》是1993年由Henry Selick擔任導演,Tim Burton擔任製片人的一部用停格動畫技術製作的美國黑色奇幻音樂電影。
Photo credit: Getty Images
Halloween Town is a fantasy world filled with citizens such as deformed monsters, ghosts, ghouls, goblins, zombies, mummies, vampires, werewolves, and witches. Jack Skellington, the "Pumpkin King" and leader of the town, leads them in organizing the annual Halloween celebrations.
萬聖小鎮是一個被畸形的妖魔鬼怪、殭屍、木乃伊、吸血鬼、狼人和女巫佔據著的幻想中的世界。「南瓜之王」Jack Skellington是這個小鎮的領導,每年都是由他組織大家做萬聖慶典。
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Despite having recently presided over a very successful Halloween, Jack is bored with his job and feels that life in Halloween Town lacks meaning. Then he stumbles upon Christmas Town and promptly decides to make the Yuletide his own…
《聖誕夜驚魂》(The Nightmare Before Christmas) 經典片段:
小鬼當家 (1990)
笨賊+機靈小孩+聖誕=?當然是豆瓣評分8.1的《小鬼當家》(Home Alone) !金髮男孩Culkin絕對是本片的顏值以及智力擔當。需要獨自過聖誕的他把家裡布置成了遊樂場,又用各種機關智斗來家裡偷東西的笨賊,全程爆笑。
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Home Alone is the highly successful and beloved family comedy about a young boy named Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) who is accidentally left behind when his family takes off for a vacation in France over the holiday season.Once he realizes they"ve left him home alone, he learns to fend for himself and, eventually has to protect his house against two bumbling burglars who are planning to rob every house in Kevin"s suburban Chicago neighborhood.
《小鬼當家》是一部非常成功且深受喜愛的家庭喜劇。它講述的是一個名叫Kevin的小男孩(Macaulay Culkin飾演)意外被去法國度聖誕假期的家人丟在家裡的故事。當他發現自己被大家落在了家裡,他學會了照顧自己。因為有兩個笨賊要搶劫Kevin家位於芝加哥郊區的社區里的每一戶人家,最終他甚至需要保護自己的家。
P.S.: 1992年特朗普在《小鬼當家》第二部中客串過路人甲。
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Though the film"s slapstick ending may be somewhat violent, Culkin"s charming presence helped the film become one of the most successful ever at the time of its release.
《小鬼當家》(Home Alone) 預告片:
生活多美好 (1946)
《生活多美好》(It"s a Wonderful Life) 是一部最重量級的聖誕片,在美國是堪比春晚的最經典的聖誕電影,每年聖誕夜紐約MoMA電影院門前都因為它會排起長隊。它既勵志又溫情,在上映後的七十年間溫暖了無數人。
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As the film opens, it"s Christmas Eve, 1946, and George Bailey, who has long considered himself a failure, faces financial ruin and arrest and is seriously contemplating suicide.
電影開始的時候正是1946年的聖誕夜。那時候,George Bailey正面臨經濟破產和逮捕,很久以來,他覺得自己是個失敗者,並且已經嚴肅地考慮起了自殺。
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High above Bedford Falls, two celestial voices discuss Bailey"s dilemma and decide to send down eternally bumbling angel Clarence Oddbody to help George out.
Bitterly, George declares that he wishes that he had never been born, and Clarence, hoping to teach George a lesson, shows him how different life would have been had he in fact never been born.
Bedford Falls小鎮上方,兩個天使的聲音討論著Bailey的困局並決定讓一個一直很莽撞的天使Clarence Oddbody去幫助George。當George說出他希望自己從未來到人世時,Clarence決定給他一個教訓,並告訴他,如果他真的從未出生,生活會有多麼不同。
童年George & Mary (George 未來的妻子)
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After a nightmarish odyssey through a George Bailey-less Bedford Falls, wherein none of his friends or family recognize him, George is made to realize how many lives he has touched, and helped, through his existence; and, just as Clarence had planned, George awakens to the fact that, despite all its deprivations, he has truly had a wonderful life.
在一次噩夢般的經歷中,他看到了一個沒有George Bailey的Bedford Falls小鎮的樣子,在那裡他的家人和朋友都不認識他,他也認識到因為他的存在,感動和幫助了多少生命。跟Clarence計劃的一樣,George認識到一個事實,那就是,儘管有再多的不足,他都有一個很棒的人生。
※mock/animosity/piggyback 熱詞手帳
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