首頁 > 創意 > 紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

哥倫比亞紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 完成的一組優雅唯美的手工藝術。關於色彩鮮艷的細膩羽毛,以及綻放的紙張花朵。

Diana Beltran Herrera (b. 1987, Colombia) is a designer and artist that has been working over the past years with ordinary materials as wire, cardboard, plastic, and paper, the primary medium in the production of her work. After graduating from her BA degree in industrial Design at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (Bogota, Colombia) in 2010, Herrera decided to pursue design as an experimental practice, researching daily about different materials that exist around us and are present in our everyday lives. For Herrera, there is a considerable distance in the relationship between human and nature, and throughout her work, she aims to repair this relation by producing elements that are constantly removed, altered and forgotten. Her work is presented as a resistance of time. Her sculptures portray the ideal state of a thing and also act like a model of representation of a reality that doesnt suffer any change.

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票

紙張藝術家 Diana Beltran Herrera 鳥與花的郵票



請您繼續閱讀更多來自 sudasuta 的精彩文章:

Alena Litvin 珠寶與龍 創意珠寶設計欣賞
Heather Bairs 貓咪和焦糖餅乾
杜子君/Zinna Du 概念插畫欣賞
小林宏至/Hiroshi Kobayashi 超現實主義繪畫藝術欣賞
Livia Prima/dopaprime 幻想插畫欣賞

TAG:sudasuta |


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