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羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡


Youth Without Age, Life Without Death



There s a legend says when prince born, the king told him that he would never be aged, nor death, but to the prince fifteen years old, he found that this is a lie. So he left his kingdom, hoping to die around the world. In the journey, he was tempted by the woodpecker fairy and the scorpion witch, and finally with a beautiful fairy tale married, into the sad valley, sad valley sadness made him had nostalgia, when he returned to his kingdom, And the ruins of the kingdom together into the ashes.

The story does not sound like a lively ghosts and fights so there is a sense of the scene, but full of mysterious sadness. Purple sunny forest can be any place where legendary story takes place. Perhaps this group of photos will be more vivid than the vulgar ones.

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

Laura Pannack是一個有才華的攝影師,她有敏銳的感受力。她的新項目《青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡》靈感來自羅馬尼亞著名的民間歌謠,它涉及的主題包括了死亡、時間的流逝,風景照和畫像。攝影師用現實創造一個陰鬱的、虛構的世界。


《青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡》是Petre Ispirescu(1830-1887)寫的民間傳說故事,實際上也是他的人生旅程。時間,出生,死亡和循環的主題始終貫穿整個故事。最重要的是一個常見但肯定:線性時間之外的生活,從而永恆,是不可能的。如果有任何遙遠的可能性,永恆的生命,它只是一種形式的暫時獨立,提供之前,不可避免的發生:就像任何人都會遇到死亡。

Laura Pannack is a talented photographer with a keen sense of herself. Her new project, Youth Without Age, Life Without Death, is inspired by the famous folk songs of Romania, which include death, passage of time, scenery and portraits. Photographers use reality to create a gloomy, fictional world.

Laura can feel the time to slide from the fingertips, need a project, let her have the opportunity to flee, free to play unrestrained. Traveling to Romania is always the place to go: Laura fell in love with it and returned a few times and did some research. I stumbled young people without age, life did not die. The title echoes the state of Laura, and the folk story encourages and inspires the images created by Laura. Reflect the theme of the story, embark on your own journey.

Youth Without Age, Life Without Death is the story of Petre Ispirescu (1830-1887), which is actually his journey. The theme of time, birth, death and circulation always runs through the whole story. The most important thing is a common but sure: linear time outside of life, so eternal, is impossible. If there is any distant possibility, eternal life, it is just a form of temporary independence, provided before, inevitably happening: just as anyone will ever die.

Photos by Laura Pannack

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡

羅馬尼亞攝影師Laura Pannack的新項目:青年沒有年齡,生命沒有死亡



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