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[The Players" Tribune] How to Measure Yao Ming | By Jeff Van Gundy. (theplayerstribune.com)

【球星看台】如何評價姚明 | 傑夫范甘迪親筆


[–]Rocketspipsdontsqueak 107 指標 13小時前

「If there』s anything I regret from my time as Houston』s coach, it』s the two playoff series that we didn』t finish off after going up 2–0. We never got out of the first round, and so NBA fans didn』t get to see Yao』s greatness when it mattered most.」

「During Yao』s career, he often battled two other Hall of Fame-caliber centers who were each at different points of their careers: Shaq was in his 30s, and he was still the best center in the league; Dwight Howard was the best young center in the game. And then there was Yao, who in his mid-twenties was younger than Shaq, but older than Dwight. Yao was better than Dwight, and the gap between Yao and Shaq was smaller than the gap between Yao and Dwight.」

Me too, coach. That said, Yao will go down as one of my favorite Rockets players ever. Those injuries really were just awful to him. I keep thinking about what he could have been if he"d had enough time to hit his full potential in a season. Also: Mild shade at Dwight. Hilarious.





[–]Trail Blazerscornisnice 67 指標 12小時前

a lot of people don"t remember this but Yao OWNED dwight every time they played.



[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 39 指標 11小時前

What made Dwight so dominant was his combination of size, athleticism, and overpowering strength. Yao nullified a lot of that by virtue of being half a foot taller than him and outweighing him by like 40 pounds. Dwight didn"t have the skill/finesse game to deal with that. The fact Dwight could only really play around the paint just fed Yao because he could post up on Dwight all game long.


[–][CLE] Kevin LoveSartuk 21 指標 12小時前

To be fair, the difference was by far the biggest during "05 and "06, when Dwight was still in his first and second year in the league.

That said I"m never going to argue for Dwight being better than Yao. Yao was incredible. I wouldn"t say the gap between Yao and Shaq was smaller than Yao and Dwight if we"re talking about primes, but given the actual seasons they played against each other I might agree.



[–]SunsJenkins_Palabro_ESQ 26 指標 8小時前

Yao had him by 8 inches, 50 pounds... and had way way way more finesse

He was insanely gifted in every way



[–]Spurstyr02 8 指標 5小時前

Plus being immensely higher on bbiq


[–]biggii2 11 指標 10小時前

Yao was more like 8 inches taller too. Dwight"s really more 6"10" and Yao was legit 7"6"


[–]fastheadcrab 19 指標 10小時前

Ah yeah, as a Lakers fan I"m sure you must remember Bynum schooling Dwight too. Anyone who could match Dwight in size and was more skilled had the advantage over him.


[–]RocketsSolar24 184 指標 14小時前

While there was not as much success as I would have hoped for the Yao-Tmac pairing, I can easily say that era was my favorite by far.

The team was just fun, tmac and Yao talent wise were two of the best to ever play.

Only wish injuries wouldn"t have cut their careers.




[–]CavaliersCavs4life2016 72 指標 13小時前

Fucking Lakers.


[–]Rocketshtownnucca 72 指標 13小時前

The Jazz were the bigger thorn in our side those years. The Lakers just caught a break with our injuries one year.


[–]LakersnomoredrivinginLA 33 指標 12小時前

Just looked it up. I forgot that we went seven games in the 2nd round in "09 even though Yao, T-Mac and Mutombo missed either most or all of that series. That was basically the end of Yao"s career :/ I hate it when teams basically get eliminated in large part because of injuries. The Rockets would"ve had a decent shot at getting to the Finals that year.



[–]Rocketshtownnucca 23 指標 12小時前

Oh definitely, even without TMac, because he was pretty inconsistent health wise that whole year, if the play where Kobe lands on Yao"s leg and injured him doesn"t happen in game 1, I think we take it in 6. He came back game 1 and closed out the game in my proudest moment as a Yao fan in his career, but it was right after that in Game 2 it created some other issue and he was basically done for the rest of his career. It was right after we saw what he could be at his peak, it"s such a painful ending. Motumbo went out during the Blazers series, I want to say. Battier, Artest, Scola and Brooks fought like mad men, but we just needed 1 more of our guys.


[–]Rocketsnapalm_anal_emission 13 指標 12小時前

I, in my homer glasses, still maintain that a healthy Rockets team takes it all that year. Yao & Deke would make things much tougher on Gasol and Bynum that what Scola and Hayes (though valiant) were capable of. Next round we have Battier, and Artest all capable of giving Melo hell. And in the finals nobody was a better matchup for Dwight than Yao, he dominated head to head.


[–]Lakersthatmonsteryeti 42 指標 12小時前

People forget that when Yao and T-Mac went down, Ron Artest was there to keep the series alive. I was terrified to see Ron-Ron play like a superstar that series, unfortunately (fortunate for Lakers Fans) his temper got the best of him in tight situations. That team and the Suns in "10 had me nervous that whole series.


[–]SunsSOAR21 16 指標 10小時前

From my anecdotal experience, as a Norcal asian kid of the 2000s (there are a ton of us), Yao and the Rockets were idolized.

It actually hurts me when I hear people say that Yao Ming was admitted into the HOF because of what he did for the game of basketball internationally. That might be true, but when people constantly say it like that, it glosses over the fact that Yao was at one point the best center in the league, and certainly among its most intelligent and skilled of all time. I have no doubt that if he wasn"t injured so often and so severely, he would have put up HOF numbers and booked a spot on basketball achievements alone.

Add his character and his contributions to basketball and I think we"d have been looking at one of the true basketball giants.




[–]riverdancejonas 97 指標 14小時前

「On a bus ride one year, Dikembe was talking about his pet monkey, Kiki. The whole bus was listening. Dikembe, with his deep baritone voice, was on a roll. No one could totally really keep track of the story. But just the way Dikembe talked about this monkey named Kiki was enough to make everyone on the bus convulse with laughter. When I looked around at Yao, he was laughing as hard as anyone, just radiating joy.」


「有一年的巴士之旅,穆托姆博正談到他的寵物猴Kiki,整個巴士里的人都聆聽著,穆大叔用他深厚的男中音眉飛色舞的講述,大體上沒人能真正的記住那個故事,但單單是穆大叔說他的猴子叫 Kiki 的方式就足以讓車上的每個人捧腹大笑。當我看向姚明時,他如其他人一樣笑得這麼大聲,就是快樂傳染。「

[–]zxc123zxc123 73 指標 12小時前

When I looked around at Yao


[–]Charlotte Hornetschoosername472 55 指標 13小時前

Van Gundy the kind of dude who doesn"t link to the videos he"s referring to.

Yao Ming behind the back dribble



[–]CelticsAnzaiOne[S] 368 指標 14小時前

My favorite part of the JVG"s TPT article:

People tend to judge an NBA player』s career solely on how many championships he won. Winning championships is a big factor in the end, but I』ve always believed that conducting yourself as a champion is more important.



[–]Cavaliers BandwagonMill747 659 指標 11小時前

Guess Chuck is 0/2 then


[–]LakersMattrix2 247 指標 10小時前

Found Lebron"s account


[–]zxc123zxc123 44 指標 6小時前

[–]Spankerss 59 指標 10小時前

[–]Spursxasum0x 11 指標 13小時前

Will we ever see another asian superstar? I thought maybe Lin but it seems that"s not gonna be the case


[–]Pistonschuck151 48 指標 12小時前

My theory is that Jeremy Lin inspired a new wave of Asian athletes to pursue hoop dreams. I"m betting we will see more NBA players of Asian descent in the coming generation(s).


[–]Warriorsstml 11 指標 9小時前

Lin also came from Bay Area which is probably ground zero for the "grow up and become an engineer or doctor" Asian stereotype. He proved that you can be elite at academics while also being elite at a sport despite being in an area where athletic talent isn"t valued highly.


[–]RocketsChanel_DU 4 指標 11小時前

We"re hoping our investment in Zhou Qi pays off when he"s ready to come over.






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