首頁 > 運動 > 沒戰績數據再爆炸也無緣MVP?三雙威少類似06科比大O最多第3-4?




In the last 34 years, no player has ever won an MVP without a top 3 seeding. Oscar Robertson himself finished 3rd in MVP voting when he averaged a triple double (self.nba)


I keep seeing people here say Westbrook is the frontrunner for MVP when he has a very slim chance based on precedence.

Just wanted make a

PSA so I don"t have to keep reminding everyone.

Another example of the media favouring seeding over performance was in 2006, when Kobe Bryant was playing out of his mind and averaged 35ppg on the 6 seed Lakers, but finished 4th in MVP voting. Steve Nash won that year, averaging 18 and 10 on a 2 seed



[–]ANeutralOpinion 347 指標 11小時前

To be fair Big Os season was durin the season wilt averaged 50 a game and bill Russell averaged 23 rebounds


[–]San Diego Clippersantwan_benjamin 245 指標 10小時前


Wilt averaged 50 pts and 26 rbs per game, on a team with 49 wins.

Russell averaged 19 pts and 24 rbs per game, on a team with 60 wins.

Big O averaged 31 pts, 13 rbs, and 11 asts per game on a team with 43 wins.

Russell won the MVP award, with Wilt in 2nd. I think that supports the argument that seeding...or more specifically probably overall wins...is more important than inpidual stats.

With that said, I personally still believe Wilt shoulda won the MVP that year...Westbrook should win it this year...and Kobe shoulda won it back in 2006.







[–]Raptorsmad-one 103 指標 9小時前

I believe Russell won it over Wilt because players voted for MVP back then and Russell was more liked.


[–]Celticsteh_noob 57 指標 9小時前

partially true. While Russell was more popular, the players had no problem voting for Wilt two years prior, nor later on in his career.


[–][GSW] Calbert Cheaneyswollencornholio 11 指標 7小時前

Plus the Celtics went 7-1 vs The Royals and 6-4 vs the Warriors.


[–][LAL] Luke Waltonrjvir 34 指標 7小時前

It"s odd how no one wants to acknowledge the possibility that Russell could have actually been more valuable than Wilt and the voters got it right.

After all, the players of that era are the ones who actually watched and played in the games, rather than just reading basic stat sheets 50 years later.

But since they don"t agree with us, they just had to be corrupt!



[–]HawksSpeedRacing1 12 指標 5小時前

I"m not saying that the players back then are or are not right because I have never even seen a full game from that era, but did the All-star voting for you this year really inspire confidence in players to vote correctly and seriously?


[–]CelticsChairman_Zhao 130 指標 12小時前

Can someone explain this media voting thing? Like, the media clearly considers Westbrook a top 2 candidate for MVP, yet people think they"ll just be like "Lol jk, seed not high enough." Are there members of the media that just flat out don"t talk that are going to swing the vote away from him or do I have an incorrect definition of the term "media"?


[–]RocketsBalls_4 24 指標 12小時前

It"s like Curry/Harden in 2015. Harden had a great season with crazy stats but Curry and the Warriors couldn"t be stopped and a successful season is defined by winning a title. Hard to define "value" but after the All Star Break, winning definitely becomes more valuable to voters.


[–]Cavalierstyler9090 420 指標 12小時前

I feel like we get this post and then a subsequent "What Westbrook is doing is historic" post every hour... Can we give it a rest?


[–]Spursdanielbauer1375 3 指標 11小時前*

With Durant out, what else is there to even talk about?


EDIT: FWIW, I was trying to be sarcastic.

[–]Cavaliers BandwagonStubbula 69 指標 11小時前

Don"t let Durant being out distract you from the fact that the Warriors blew a 28-3 lead in the World Series


[–]pev2 69 指標 12小時前*

There were 9 total teams in the NBA when O averaged a triple double, I don"t think that note about the Royals being 3rd in the standings is comparable.

Overall, you"re right, it"s always a 3 seed, but back in 61 I don"t think 3 was impressive (out of 9 teams). It"s even possible being 3rd hurt his chances at MVP that year.

Edit - Per some of my replys I think OP may have been implying what I said above, and I misunderstood. If so, my bad disregard.




[–]NBACaptainHawkmed 40 指標 11小時前

And Westbrook"s team is currently 11/30

I think people are just trying to say team record has always mattered in MVP voting, triple double or not



[–]Charlotte HornetsBURRITO_JONES 29 指標 12小時前

54 wins seems to be the more modern barometer, set by Nash winning in "06. This is why I think Westbrook isn"t getting the award. Not to mention Harden"s Rockets are on pace for a 15-16 game turnaround. Tough to top that plus his elevated numbers.


[–]Kingsbraydenator13 35 指標 11小時前

This is the main reason why I still stick by my idea that the MVP needs to be split into 2 categories. MVP and Most Outstanding Player. Westbrook is doing incredible things this year and deserves to be recognized as the player with the best performance, but its entirely possible he"ll get snubbed because the Thunder aren"t going to be a top seed.


[–]Raptorsschoffb 30 指標 11小時前

This would be awesome. I don"t see how LeBron can"t be a lock for MVP if things keep going how they are this year, and I can"t stand the dude. But you take LeBron off the Cavs, they aren"t winning the east, they aren"t getting


Savvy Vets for goofy cheap contracts, they"d likely be about where the Raps/Wiz are right now, a clear tier below true contenders. Which isn"t a huge fall in terms of seeding, but at the end of the day it"s about winning a championship. Take Westbrook out of OKC, they"d plummet to the bottom, but they aren"t contenders with him, so what real value does he bring in? However, what he"s doing is absolutely batshit crazy and it"s a blast for everyone to watch, and is definitely historical.

For me, MVP candidates should come from contenders, MOP candidates from anywhere in the league. And that"d leave my MVP picks between Harden, Kawhi and LeBron.



[–][NYK] Lance ThomasZenenx 25 指標 12小時前

-I keep seeing people here say Westbrook is the frontrunner for MVP

Do i browse the wrong /r/nba all day ? Wtf ?? all people say on here is Harden is surefire MVP.







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