When Others Point Out Our Faults 當別人指出我們缺點毛病的時候
When Others Point Out Our Faults
The third precept of the bodhichitta of application is patience, which is very supreme. When others abuse you, beat you, slander you, cheat you or hurt you, you just stay calm and bear it willingly, which is really practicing patience. When others are talking about your shortcomings or faults, just accept it patiently without any anger, which is really practicing patience. If you don』t resist just seemingly, while feeling angry and resentful inside, it is not practicing patience.
In fact, our enemies and foes are just our benefactors. We can』t realize our own shortcomings and faults. Our relatives and friends can see them, but they just avoid telling us about them and follow us for fear of hurting us. They not only make us consume blessings, but also leave us in the state of confusion and ignorance. But our enemies and foes will just point out our shortcomings and faults, so don』t they make us enlightened? Some people tend to make efforts and become persistent in order not to be looked down upon or criticized, so they will make it. Therefore, the so-called enemies and foes are our true benefactors, and genuine teachers. What are genuine teachers? Those who point out your shortcomings and make you correct them. So it』s wrong for us to resent them; on the contrary, we should face them calmly and accept them willingly.
They hurt us or cheat us, which is helping us eliminate bad karmas and practice patience. At that time, we must hold it without any anger. We are practitioners, so in our continuity of mind, with anger for even an instant, the merits accumulated during a thousand kalpas will be ruined. How dreadful anger is! Dare you still get angry?
Merits, good roots and blessings should all be dedicated immediately, without being kept by oneself. Dedicating them to Bodhi and all beings is savings, which can be kept and can』t be ruined even with anger. We save all these merits, good roots and blessings, so we can take them out in case we need them. If not, anger and wrong views will steal your merits and rob you of your blessings just like thieves, so you can』t keep them in that case.
TAG:達真堪布 |
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