首頁 > 時尚 > 知名剪裁大師Maurizio Pecoraro加入馬蘭戈尼時尚顧問團隊!

知名剪裁大師Maurizio Pecoraro加入馬蘭戈尼時尚顧問團隊!


  剛結束的時裝周里,大家可曾想過,這些可稱藝術家的設計師們也都是「學」出來的呢。Domenico DolceFranco MoschinoRodolfo Paglialunga等時尚巨子都曾在馬蘭戈尼學院就讀。82年來,全球已經有超過40,000名學生在馬蘭戈尼被激發出獨特的才華。他們在馬蘭戈尼學習、成長,成為讓母校無比驕傲的時尚夢之隊,並在「馬蘭戈尼」的平台上繼續和母校保持交流與合作!這不,從馬蘭戈尼學院走出、「喜歡用剪刀來說話」的剪裁大師穆里吉奧·佩科瑞羅(Maurizio Pecoraro)就在近日傾情加盟馬蘭戈尼學院時尚顧問團隊!

視頻:Maurizio Pecoraro 2017秋冬米蘭時裝發布


  Istituto Marangoni announces the appointment of its new International Fashion Chair , Maurizio Pecoraro. His role will involve providing professional advice towards the achievement of excellence standards in the production of fashion collections and managing the assessment process of the students participating in the School』s end-year Fashion Shows. 馬蘭戈尼學院日前宣布任命其Maurizio Pecoraro義大利馬蘭戈尼學院國際時尚顧問。 他的主要職責將是在學生的系列設計、以及「畢業秀」的選評方面為學院提供專業建議,以期達到卓越標準。


  It is a role of great responsibility that combines the technical expertise for the evaluation of projects, from the sketches to the fabric』s choice and the quality of the final outfit , to a capacity of mentoring to the students who are facing a pivotal moment for their professional future. 對於專業人士來說,把專業技術結合到項目評估中,從草圖到面料的選擇和最後的服裝質量,以及對那些面臨著職業關鍵時刻的學生的指導,顯得尤為重要。


  Istituto Marangoni』s Alumnus and praised Fashion Designer, who has been running his own namesake label since 1998, Maurizio Pecoraro boasts a long-standing experience in the Fashion system. 作為馬蘭戈尼學院榮譽校友兼備受稱讚的時尚設計師,Maurizio Pecoraro從1988年開始就擁有並運營著自己的同名品牌,在時尚系統裡面,他有著長期的實戰經驗。


  Commenting on his appointment, officially started on 1st March, 2017, Istituto Marangoni Group Managing Director Roberto Riccio said: 「Maurizio will ensure high quality, excellence and a strong professional approach in each part of the creation process the fashion collections, supporting with his professional advice all those students that will take part to their last year fashion show. It is therefore an honour to collaborate with such a professional as well as Istituto Marangoni』s Alumnus.」 .對於此次任命的各種評論報道從2017年3月1 日就正式開始,馬蘭戈尼羅伯托·里奇奧(Roberto Riccio)表示:「Maurizio將會在時尚系列過程中保持高品質的創造以及運用其強大的天賦和專業能力對下一界學生的畢業時裝秀帶來很大的支持。因此,與這樣一個專業人士兼馬蘭戈尼學院校友的合作是一件極其榮譽的事情。」


  2017秋冬 Maurizio Pecoraro 仿貉子毛拼接民族紋樣毛線帽搭配仿皮草拼接短靴


  2017秋冬 Maurizio Pecoraro 仿皮草連帽拼貼牛角扣外套

  Pecoraro』s career is dotted with prestigious collaborations with international fashion maison, including Versace, from which he took over the 『Art of Alma』 collection, and Valentino, with which he directed the launch of the Valentino Roma line in 2001. Promoter of a 『Timeless』 concept of fashion, he believes in a continuous dialogue between Fashion and Art, tradition and modernity, yet always keeping an eye on the future and pursuing long-term creative and business objectives with the ability to achieve them. On 13th April, 2017, the participation of the School』s new Fashion Chair as a guest designer in the next Shanghai Fashion Week along with 15 talented students from Istituto Marangoni Shanghai Training Centre will be the first formal expression of this new collaboration. 他的的職業生涯開始於與國際時尚界的合作,包括著名的Versace,他接管了「阿爾瑪藝術」系列。還有Valentino,並於2001年指導了其「羅馬系列」的推出。作為「時尚永恆」概念的發起者,他始終相信時尚與藝術、傳統與現代之間的永恆對話,現如今他也一直在關注未來,追求長期的創意和商業目標並致力於將其實現。2017年4月13日,作為上海時裝周特邀嘉賓的他將會帶著馬蘭戈尼學院上海培訓中心的15位優秀學生參加下一屆的上海時裝周,這也意味著他與母校合作的正式開始。




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