首頁 > 運動 > 霍華德親口講述和哈登科比的故事|一心贏球,恩怨都是媒體無事生非?




Dwight Howard shares his side of the story on Kobe Bryant, James Harden, Orlando and more.









從奧蘭多出走後,我從沒有真正說出在那裡發生了什麼,以及我想要離開的願意。畢竟人們更願意說 「嘿他什麼都沒說,那我們就替他編個故事來來講講在洛杉磯發生的事情,來講講他和科比的事情和他關於哈登的矛盾。」我和他們並沒有深仇大恨。但人們說起來好像我總會和隊伍里的另一個超級明星有矛盾。

我從來沒說過」好吧,我覺得這困擾了我所以我來澄清事實。「 但所有人都去編故事。好在亞特蘭大沒有什麼流言蜚語。


我真的不願意再回想那時的事。在奧蘭多發生的事情和人們講的大相徑庭。在停擺結束的那個賽季,我私下裡問他們,我甚至和尼爾森以及經歷Otis Smith說起:」嘿,我覺得生活應該改變了。這和大范甘迪沒關係。這和其他魔術球員沒關係。這和魔術隊沒有關係。我只是過得太舒服,覺得是時候在人生以及職業生涯上取得新的突破了。


這就是2011年停擺之後的事情。我應該在訓練營開始前被交易。我讓他們交易我去布魯克林並且我以為我馬上就要去了。但他們突然又說不交易我了,一切都變得很糟。人們說我應該在更衣室做這做那。但我不是這樣的人,我告訴我的經紀人 「聽著,他們想要我留下,那我就留到賽季結束再做決定。我們不要迂迴不定,先不談這些」









What does being home in Atlanta mean to you?

I』ve always wanted to play in Atlanta and represent my hometown team. We can do something special here. This team has always been close to my heart even while being in the NBA.

If you could have done it over, would you have gone to college first?

No. Not at all. I think it is the best decision. I don』t have any regrets. There is nothing I have regrets about, because each situation you got to look at as a blessing instead of a failure or a loss. You have to always have that mindset.

In 2013, you could have signed with the Hawks as a free agent, but instead you left the Lakers for the Rockets. Why didn』t you sign with Atlanta then?

I don』t think it was the right time. I always had dreams about coming here. It could have been great, but I looked at the Houston situation as something that could』ve been really special.

L.A. was chaos. Houston at times was chaos. But in Atlanta, you don"t hear anything. Do you feel more mentally relaxed now at home with the Hawks?

After the situation in Orlando, I never really came out and said my side of the story about what was going on there while I was there and the reasons for me wanting to leave. After that, people just decided that, he"s not going to talk about it, so we might as well come up with a narrative and what we think went on in L.A. and what went on with Kobe [Bryant] and what we think happened with James [Harden].』 I never had a personal vendetta with either one of those guys. People took it as me having a problem with them being on a team with another superstar.

I』ve never been the one to say, 『OK, I want to talk about this because it was an issue with me.』 But everyone else kind of made it a storyline. And here in Atlanta, there is no storyline.

So what is the truth about the past?

I really hate going back with it. There were a lot of different things that happened in Orlando that people never talked about. Before the season even started during the lockout, I asked them privately, I even talked to [teammate] Jameer [Nelson] and [then-general manager] Otis [Smith] and I said, 『Hey, I just want a change in my life. It has nothing to do with [then-coach] Stan Van Gundy. This has nothing to do with the players here in Orlando. It has nothing to do with Orlando itself.』 I just felt I was too comfortable and I wanted more for myself and more for basketball.

It had nothing to do with the team. They said they were going to try to move me. I thought it was going to happen. They came in and said, 『We』re going to trade you.』 They shook my hand and said, 『God bless you. You were here for eight years and you did a great job.』 They asked me to go shake my teammates" hands. I went and shook their hands and told them that the team was going to trade me. I woke up the next day and they said, 『We』re not going to trade you.』

This was right after the [2011 NBA] lockout. I was supposed to get traded right before training camp. I had asked them to trade me to Brooklyn and I thought that was going to happen. They decided they weren』t going to trade me and that was when all hell broke loose. People said I was doing this in the locker room, doing that. But I』ve never been that kind of guy. I told my agent, 『Listen, they want me here, so I will just stay here until the end of the season and I』ll make a decision after that. Let"s not fight it. Let"s not go back and forth. Let"s not talk about it.』

And we did that. But every day in the media it was a different story. I was the type of person where I』m not going to focus on what is being said. I』m going to focus on winning and trying to win for this team while I』m here.

How would you describe the end with Houston last season?

I don』t think it ended the way it should have. I thought in my time in Houston we did some really good things. For us to go to the Western Conference finals after not being there for 20 years, that』s a great accomplishment because nobody expected us to do that. The issues they say happened between me and James were small communication issues. Instead of us coming together and talking about it, we allowed other people to do talking. The lines of communication were twisted.

But like I』ve always said, I』ve never had a personal issue with James. Why? Everything he is doing now, everything he is coming into, I』ve been that player. The awards, all that, the accolades. I wasn』t there to try to compete against him. I wanted to win with him.

What kind of season do you think Harden is having now?

He』s having an unbelievable season. I』m really proud of his growth. A lot of the areas that people talked about him not doing, he』s doing it now. He』s been a great leader for the team. They switched him to the point guard position. He』s facilitating the ball really well. He』s shooting at a high clip. He』s always going to get to the free throw line. I』ve seen that in James since he played at OKC. I always thought highly of James as a player.

Have you spoken to Kobe?

I haven』t … There was never an issue with me and him. The same thing I told him is the same thing I told Steve Nash and every one of those guys. I want to learn from them. I want to take as much knowledge as I can from y』all. One day when y』all out the league and I』m still playing, I can give that knowledge to somebody else and I can keep this thing going. I』ve never had an issue with [Bryant].

[–]Pacersbananaboatfloat22 107 指標 4 天前

Everything he is doing now, everything he is coming into, I』ve been that player. The awards, all that, the accolades.

I like that part lol, idk whether it"s crazy or true though. Dwight was phenomenal....



[–][NYK] Baron Davisthemariokarters 112 指標 4 天前

It"s true, Dwight could have won MVP in 2009


[–]dumbrich23 76 指標 4 天前

2011 as well


[–]heej 43 指標 4 天前

Revisionist history says Rose stole it from Lebron, but at the time I thought Dwight got robbed that season.


[–]CavaliersNewRedditKid 21 指標 4 天前

I thought LeBron deserved it more than Rose in a way, but I definitely remember feeling like Dwight got robbed. He was a legitimate two way superstar.


[–]YesWeighNoWeigh 86 指標 4 天前

Tl;dr on Kobe and Harden part, everyone made a storyline up about two superstars feuding and I never said anything about it. I never had an issue with either one.


[–]LakersTim__Donaghy 14 指標 4 天前

So, what"s the narrative surrounding him and Kobe clearing not liking each other last season? There was definitely tension between them.


[–]SpursPapa_Huggies 7 指標 4 天前

I see Draymond lay it into Durant and Durant doesn"t really like it but I don"t think he harbors any ill will towards Draymond. Maybe that"s what it"s like?


[–]LakersTim__Donaghy 14 指標 4 天前

Na, I think there"s more to it than that. It looks like he calls Kobe a pussy and Kobe can clearly be seen calling him soft and telling him to try something.

Dwight clearly lied about things on Orlando while still in Orlando. There"s even that video of SVG being interviewed about his job security and Dwight walks in acting like he hadn"t shit talked the man.



[–]king_0325 11 指標 4 天前

I think it happened the other way around. Stan said Dwight wanted him fired then Dwight showed up and put his arm around stan.


[–]Warriorsdingdongfootballl 53 指標 4 天前

Ive always really liked Dwight despite all the weird media drama that surrounded him. I worked at the Amway Center in 2010 and Dwight was a god there. I was bummed when he left Orlando with all that drama surrounding him but I didnt hate him for it. Dwight seems like hes having a good time a lot, hes just a goofy dude that can dominate. I think hes found a really good fit with Atlanta and I hope he stays there for a while.


[–]Rocketsscrewt 26 指標 4 天前

I"ve never disliked him, even at the end of his Orlando days.. Fairly sure Harden never had a problem with Dwight either, just didn"t fit well together.


[–]Heatclear831 8 指標 4 天前

I totally agree. Anyone that plays pickup games should agree also. There are always a few players that you just dont fit well with, its not that they are bad people its just that their games dont fit.


[–]Raptorsjps78 25 指標 4 天前*

Am I about to like Dwight again? Is it 2010??


[–]MagicJibbyJabbaJumpShot 9 指標 4 天前

In his documentary on Netflix I remember him saying that he was upset when they traded Courtney Lee and Hedo turkoglu because they were his best friends. He also said something like "we just made it to the finals with this team the way it is, why would we change anything?" I had never thought about it that way and it totally changed my perspective on the whole situation. He should"ve handled that better but I can totally understand him being upset about losing his favorite teammates. That"s business I guess.


[–]funk568 4 指標 4 天前

It seems like a lot of NBA players have that moment of clarity when they realize that its a business. Players like the LeBron fight it for the sake of winning championships but most guys just settle into being good players who stop buying into the team concept.






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霍華德親口講述和哈登科比的故事。一心贏球, 恩怨都是媒體無事生非?
巴爾韋德:很享受擔任巴薩主帥 特別是在贏球的時候
贏球心情不錯 大嘴格林:勒布朗知道自己毫無希望