2017年度徠卡奧斯卡?巴納克攝影大賽(Leica Oskar Barnack Award)線上報名正在進行中,最後截止日期為2017年4月10日。
All entries for the Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2017 must be made via the online Application Formbetween March 1 and April 10, 2017.
The 「Leica Oskar Barnack Award」 competition is open to professional photographers only. To take part, participants must send in a series of photographs taken in 2016/2017 or long-term projects containing at least one photo from 2016/2017. Only one entry per photographer is accepted.
The 「Leica Oskar Barnack Award Newcomer」 competition is open to any (prospective) professional photographer aged 25 or under at the time of entering. To take part, participants must send in a series of photographs taken in 2016/2017 or long-term projects containing at least one photo from 2016/2017. Only one entry per photographer is accepted
All digital images prepared for uploading must be 1200 pixels high. The width of the image is variable in proportion.
The images must also be stored with 72dpi in JPG format in the RGB color space for viewing on the web and none may exceed the maximum file size of 3 MB. We recommend storing the photos with the web optimization function available, for example, in Adobe Photoshop.
Esther Teichmann, Germany: "Mondschwimmen"
Sadegh Souri, Islamic Republic of Iran:"Waiting Girls"
Giulio Piscitelli, Italy: "Informal facilities in the Jungle"
Max Pinckers, Belgium:"Two Kinds of Memory and Memory itself"
Stéphane Lavoué, France:"The North East Kingdom"
Guillaume Herbaut, France:"Ukraine: Maidan to Donbass"
Vincent Delbrouck, Belgium:"New Paintings"
William Daniels, France:"C.A.R."
Fulvio Bugani, Italy: "?Soul? y Sombras"
Juan Pablo Bellandi, Venezuela: "Chasing HAMPA"
1911年被恩斯特·萊茲光學工廠聘請擔任照相機設計師。巴納克在1912年研究利用35毫米電影膠捲設計小型照相機。1913年成功地造成一部24×36毫米的原型萊卡相機(Ur-Leica)—35毫米照相機的鼻祖。1925年萊卡相機I型正式在德國韋茨拉爾市(Wetzlar)的恩斯特·萊茲光學工廠出產。 奧斯卡.巴爾納克本人是最早的萊卡攝影家,1920年,韋茨拉爾市發生洪水災難,他用原型萊卡相機拍攝了一系列韋茨拉爾洪災的照片。
Who is Oskar Barnack
Oskar Barnack (November 1,1879–January 16,1936) was a German optical engineer, precision mechanic, industrial designer and the father of 35 mm photography.
In 1911, Barnack was in charge of microscope research for Ernst Leitz at Wetzlar, Hesse, Germany (now a separate company Leica Microsystems). He was an enthusiastic photographer, but the heavy equipment of the day was difficult for him to handle due to his poor health (asthma). In 1912, he constructed a 35 mm movie camera.
Between 1913 and 1914 he was head of development at Leitz. He was the driving force behind the making of the first mass-marketed 135 camera and the introduction of the 24 × 36 mm film format which came to be known as 35mm. Barnack suffered from asthma, and sought to reduce the size and weight of cameras and supporting equipment used for outdoor photography. His 35 mm design helped introduce the concept of exposing a small area of film to create a negative, then enlarging the image in a darkroom.
The onset of World War I kept the first Leica from being manufactured until 1924, and it was not introduced to the public until 1925, when Leica s chief, the optician Ernst Leitz, took a gamble and authorized the production of 1,000 cameras.
Leica stood for Leitz Camera. Instead of the exposure plates used in past Leitz cameras, the Leica used a standardized film strip, adapted from 35 mm Eastman Kodak roll-film. Barnack decided that the 18 × 24 mm (3:4 aspect ratio) standard movie frame was not large enough for good still photo quality with the films of the day and doubled the frame size to 24 × 36 mm (2:3 aspect ratio), with the image horizontal instead of vertical.
Lynow, Barnack s birthplace and currently a municipality of Brandenburg, has a museum dedicated to him and his work.On the hundredth anniversary of Barnack s birth, World Press Photo instituted the Oskar Barnack Award;this is now administered by Leica Camera.
TAG:影像國際 |
※P&E2017 索尼展示的8K數字電影攝影機