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TP-LINK荷蘭子公司 (TP-LINK Netherlands B.V.) 於2013年開始正式運營,並且不斷發展壯大,市場連續3年平均增長率超過30%,目前市場佔有率全荷第一。
現招聘職位如下:銷售助理 1名 (全職)
1. 協助處理銷售訂單,與客戶進行基本商務溝通;
2. 客戶意見、建議的接收、反饋、匯總與處理;
3. 客戶資料、銷售數據的整理與維護;
4. 公司工作氛圍和諧輕鬆,崗位待遇優厚;
5. 公司有KM資質。
1. 中英文讀寫流利,會一定荷蘭語基礎優先;
2. 2—3年相關工作經驗;
3. 熟練使用office,精通Excel進行數據處理 ,有一定數據分析經驗者優先;
4. 工作富有責任心,適合團隊合作精神;有一定團隊帶領經驗優先;
5. 為人穩重、細心,有著優秀的溝通能力和服務意識;
6. 思路清晰、思維敏捷,快速學習能力強;有條理,能夠同時處理多個任務。
Founded in 1996, TP-LINK has become one of the world s leading providers of SOHO & SMB networking products, offering both innovative and award winning solutions to the market. Ranked No. 1 provider of WLAN products, TP-LINK supplies to over 120 countries, serving tens of millions of consumers worldwide.
TP-LINK is a company that is fully committed to develop its products, services and consumer relations through extensive R&D, strict quality assurance practices, and effective outreach initiatives. Customer loyalty through interaction, focus and feedback are policies that help form the TP-LINK culture, as well as a commitment to achieve, and a dedication to innovate.
In their efforts, TP-LINK s global achievements in the industry have received both recognition and respect, proving their level of quality and commitment time and time again. TP-LINK continue to develop award-winning products, offering a complete range of networking solutions consisting of Routers, Adapters, Cameras, Switches, and many other Wired and Wireless devices for both Home and Office use.
Job Duties
1. Help to proceed orders and perform daily communication with clients;
2. Collect customer information and perform sales data analysis;
3. Tracking the daily sales operation on the order flow;
4. Sort out customer feedbacks and advices internally;
5. Assist finance department with financial notes and payment;
6. Assisting administration and local sales staff in other related tasks;
7. The company has a KM qualification.
1. Fluent in English and Chinese, Dutch is a plus;
2. 2-3 years relevant job experience;
3. Familiar with office software, Excel is a must;
4. Data analysing experience is a plus;
5. Team player and fast learner;
6. Ability to multi‐task and meet tight deadlines on a consistent basis.
What we Offer:
We offer you an attractive salary and a job in a pleasant atmosphere and a modern surrounding with opportunities for individual development.
Our company also has the qualification of applying the KM visa. If you want to join a young, motivated team, we look forward to meeting you!
Are you interested in the above position and does the description suit your profile? Please sent your resume and expected salary to Email:
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