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Is it a good thing or not to have supernatural power?修行人有神通好不好?

Is it a good thing or not to have supernatural power?修行人有神通好不好?


Whether It Is Good For Practitioners to Have Supernatural Power or Not?

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Is it a good thing or not to have supernatural power?修行人有神通好不好?


Now, some people study Buddhism for blessings while some for supernatural power. Actually, the supernatural power is the biggest obstacle for us to make achievements before enlightenment. 「How can this happen? It is amazing to have supernatural power. I can benefit all beings by getting insight into the mind of others and mine. Sometimes, I can observe what others are doing. If they are disobedient, I will teach them a lesson.」 You wish! You will destroy yourself if you really have the supernatural power.

Is it a good thing or not to have supernatural power?修行人有神通好不好?


Once you have the supernatural power, as it is really powerful, you must be obsessed with the Eight Worldly Concerns, because you haven』t seen through and cast off selfishness and obsessiveness. Now, some people start to commit evil karma once they have a little savings. When they have supernatural power, they will be busy in seeking worldly profits. How could they think of the beings?

Is it a good thing or not to have supernatural power?修行人有神通好不好?


Once we become enlightened, we will have the supernatural power naturally, which won』t obstruct us, for we have seen through all things appeared and gotten relieved of them, and we will not cling to this kind of merits. Once we have no self-attachment or selfishness any more, what we do is for all the beings, then the supernatural power will be helpful and can be used when necessary, otherwise it is really not a good thing for us, for it』s easy for us to commit a sin.





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