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Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞

Lotus大學平面設計課程的Ken Duong 帶來的一組新鮮可愛的包裝設計。一組童趣的,夏天的,新鮮的果汁包裝設計。

It is hoped that the Vietnamese packaging industry will break out of the 「safety boxes」 that we have always used before, instead of the individuality, different design and attract the attention of consumers. Within this design, I want to bring a sense of nature to the user, especially the children, the main target will use the product. At the same time, it creates credibility for customers who buy products directly – the Mother.

Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞

Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞

Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞

Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞

Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞

Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞

Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞

Ken Duong 包裝設計欣賞




請您繼續閱讀更多來自 sudasuta 的精彩文章:

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The Coffee Counter 早安,咖啡
Kaiami 的可愛的二次元MM手繪本子
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TAG:sudasuta |


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