Lissy Marlin 浪漫可愛的手繪卡通
插畫家/動畫師Lissy Marlin 帶來的一組會令人微笑的卡通作品。 充滿著魔法的畫面令人印象深刻,包括一些兒童插畫,動畫CG,動畫人物造型設計,迪士尼同人CG等等。
Lissy Marlin is an illustrator with a passion and love for animation, visual development, and children』s books.
Lissy loves traveling and learning about different languages and cultures. She loves stargazing and has a fascination with the universe. If she were to choose another career, she would most likely be an art teacher for young children in many different countries…Or an Astronaut!
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