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Why is Bird vs Magic in the finals "legendary" while the Warriors vs Cavaliers is "boring"? (self.nba)

為什麼大鳥 vs. 魔術師的總決賽「堪稱傳奇」,而勇士 vs. 騎士則「索然無味」?



A lot of people have been calling these playoffs boring, complaining that Warriors-Cavs is a foregone conclusion, and wanting more parity in the league. But if you go by finals alone the NBA has never had parity. The last six finals have had LeBron in them. Before that we had a decade of dominance by the Spurs and the Lakers. Before that was the Bulls two threepeats. Before that was the aforementioned "legendary" Lakers-Celtics rivalry. All of these remarkable achievements are praised. Hell, I even see people on this sub talking about how great the Heatles were even though they were the most despised team in Basketball when they were playing.

Why do we celebrate the dominant teams of the past but complain about them as they"re happening? I"m from the Bay Area and like the Warriors but I wanted a more competitive playoffs. I was really looking forwards to Spurs-Warriors going to 7. I wanted to see IT run rings around the Cav"s defense. However I"m also looking forward to seeing one of the greatest players of all time go up against one of the best starting lineups the league has ever seen. The last two finals have been amazing and will be talked about for years. These playoffs have been boring outside of a few series but let"s enjoy "legendary" basketball while it"s happening instead of reminiscing about the old days.

[–]LakersContagiousLibra 835 指標 17小時前

"Only boring people get bored." - Klay Thompson

「只有無趣之人才會覺得無聊。」—— 克萊-湯普森

[–]BullsWileyTu 315 指標 16小時前

"....I forgot what I was going to say" - Klay Thompson

「……我忘了自己本來想說什麼了。」—— 克萊-湯普森

[–]Cavalierspjoneill15 1466 指標 17小時前

It"s not. It"s fucking awesome basketball. But it"s boring in that there is no point in watching the rest of the playoffs.


[–]SpursATXBeermaker 445 指標 16小時前*

It also helps that Bird v. Magic came on the heels of the late 1970s NBA, one of the worst eras in the league. The league was floundering, attendance was down, players were doing coke at breakneck speed. It was a mess. Fans were hungry for a classic rivalry.

伯德 vs. 魔術師出現在1970年代末期的NBA,這對他們的傳奇性也有所加成。那是聯盟最壞的時代之一。那時的聯盟的苦苦掙扎,觀眾數量減少,球員以不要命的速度嗑藥。那是一團糟。粉絲們對於當時能夠上演一次經典的對決饑渴難耐。

[–][BOS] Evan Turnerbillbrown96 282 指標 15小時前

Also helps that Bird/Magic played the NCAA final the year before they were drafted


[–]76ersMufasas*河蟹* 547 指標 17小時前

There were 3 Celtics-Lakers Finals. 1984, 1985, 1987.

In 1984, the first round lasted 3 games for the lakers and 4 games for the celtics. The second round lasted 5 games for the lakers and 7 games for the celtics. The conference finals was 6 games for the lakers and 5 for the celtics.

In 1985, lakers swept in the first round, Celtics won in 4. Lakers won in 5 in the second, celtics won in 6. Both won in 5 in the conference finals.

In 87 they both swept in the first round. Lakers won the semi finals in 5 and swept the conference finals. Both of the celtics" series went to 7 games.

Every one of those years involved a more competitive series involving the lakers or the celtics than this year does with the warriors and the cavs.






[–]Vancouver GrizzliesSupercoolBeasGOAT 82 指標 16小時前

get ready for the dark ages of the nba. minimum 3 more years of this finals matchup


[–]disckrieg 193 指標 16小時前

Can"t wait to check up on how inaccurate this comment is in 3 years. Because a LOT can happen in that time. LeBron will begin (hopefully) a soft fade out, the era of positionless basketball featuring a dozen 6"10+ guard skilled big men is right on our doorstep, and all it takes is a tweak or two to suddenly put a team like the Bucks or Minnesota on the same path that the 2013-14 Warriors (51-31)* were set on.

*A team, I might add, that featured: Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Draymond Green, Andrew Bogut, Harrison Barnes, Andre Iguodala, David Lee, Mareese Speights. Sounds pretty familiar right? Nonetheless a team that finished second in their division and exited in the first round behind the Clippers.


*我可能得補充,這支球隊擁有:斯蒂芬-庫里,克萊-湯普森-德雷蒙德-格林,安德魯-博古特, 哈里森-巴恩斯,安德烈-伊戈達拉,大衛-李,馬利斯-斯佩茨。聽上去相當熟悉是不是?雖然這樣也只是一支常規賽賽區第二,在首輪和快船激戰後落敗的隊伍。

[–][MEM] Acie Lawimatthewhitecastle 58 指標 15小時前

a lot can happen but it"d take something absolutely insane for giannis to go from losing in 6 to a team that got swept easily by the cavs, to actually beating the cavs. even the "13-"14. the warriors won 47 and a playoff series in "12-"13. a better comparison would be houston striking gold in the draft/free agency this year, the spurs getting chris paul, or fultz being an all-nba guy from the jump, on top boston adding hayward or griffin.


[–]CavaliersRhokdar 190 指標 17小時前

I don"t think people necessarily think the finals themself will be boring, but rather that both GSW"s and Cavs games so far has been terribly one-sided.


[–]Jonesalot 98 指標 17小時前

Yep, nobody complains about the Finals, they complain about everything else

in the 80s there were probably also alot getting tired of lakers going to the finals 9 times in 12 years, we just dont hear about those people



[–]wise2thaguy 64 指標 17小時前

It"s kind of like porn, except you can"t fast-forward through the boring beginning. The good part is coming though. Once the Cavs and Warriors put on a show, we"ll all bust, be happy, and stop complaining.


[–]HeatSaint_Jake 113 指標 17小時前*

Purely because it hasn"t happened yet.

If this series goes to 7 it will be regarded among the greatest finals in NBA history and possibly all of sports history.

People are just upset now because this regular season and the playoffs leading up to the finals feel pointless- and to some extent, they have been. When 2 teams go 24-0 in the playoffs with their greatest challenges either taken out by other teams due to advantageous seeding or injuries, it feels kinda silly and just like we"ve been waiting around for the inevitable.

This might be the most talent-heavy championship in U.S. sports history and people will only start to appreciate that once it starts, or maybe not even until 4 or 5 years down the line once these guys are gone or have slowed down their game and we"re back to more mundane matchups like Lakers v Magic.




這可能是美國體育史上最天賦滿溢的總冠軍對決,人們會在總決賽開打後立刻讚譽連連,另一種可能是認可會在四五年後才到來。那時候這幫傢伙會離開,或者讓自己的比賽降速,而我們會回到如同湖人 vs. 魔術一般沉悶的總決賽對陣。

[–]BlindedbythePhxSuns 227 指標 17小時前

Because we"re 30 years removed from it so we only remember the Finals clashes instead of the formalities that led to them


[–]CelticsRezzful 144 指標 16小時前

Or because the Celtics/Lakers didn"t sweep everyone on their way to the finals?


[–]LakersWillTheGreat 95 指標 14小時前

Lakers and Celtics were contenders amongst several possible contenders. Celtics weren"t always a lock for the finals, Philly was a powerhouse with Dr J and Moses Malone. Bucks were a good team. Then the Pistons suddenly became the bad boys and now they"re a threat out of the east. Then came MJ and the Bulls. Lakers were front runners for the NBA finals, but there were a few opponents that were a threat like Sun"s, Rockets and Trailblazers.

Warriors and Cavs are the front runners to play in the NBA finals and no one else except a healthy Spurs team are even close. Not a boring match up, but a boring lead up.







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