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安歇得力量In Rest is Your Strength


Crossing the bridge, a field of flowers caught my eyes, and I couldn』t but pause and admire their beauty. They were the flowers of water hyacinths, quietly blossoming in the ponds. It was not a no-man』s land, but there peace and beauty prevailed, and I felt myself as if in a wonderland where no man had trodden.


Then I found an ant colony on a tree, delicately built and quietly set, where life was busy with itself, without a stir or a load of care for the outside world.


I walked slowly back to the farm, and found Archipus』 homestead glowed in the light of the dusk, and the silhouettes of trees against the setting sun were impressive.


A farm is a place of physical work, but it』s also a place of spiritual rest, and I believe it』s the life we should return to.


At that moment, a dream was slowing dawning on me: I would like a tiny homestead farm for myself: a small, fenced parameter for fruit trees, vegetables, and animals.


A well, a pair of dogs, flocks of geese, goats, and chickens, and bees and flowers...and most of all, the theme of my tiny farm is turkeys.


For a short period of time in my childhood, I saw my parents and many other houses raising turkeys. But for some reason, these birds slowly phased out of our sight. They say turkeys are of a tough texture, and they prefer chickens. But I miss turkeys, and maybe it』s time to pick up an old dream.


I have thought much about this tiny farm: I get up before daybreak for 2 hours of work, and take a shower and rest for a while. In the late afternoon, when the sun has burnt most of the day』s heat, I work again for another one hour or two.


During the day, I stay in the house, and read, write or prepare all types of lessons. During the week, at different time, I ride on my motorcycle, and teach from schoolhouse to schoolhouse...


I used to yearn in a life in the metropolitan, but I found to my disappointment that too much time is thrown away on the road, and a day is geared up mechanically for a schedule.


I used to think life in a small place is colorless and lonely, but then I found in a crowded city where a man finds himself in the ocean of people, life is not any closer, and every man is traversing on his own course.


After years of searching, I found what speaks to my heart is life, life in its homely state, life without the least adornment.


It』s not hard for a man to find himself, it』s just vanities, lusts and pride that muffle the heart cry, and that he keeps running away from himself, and fighting against the obvious, until he learns to rest and make sense.


Sooner or later, a man comes to face himself, andlife itself.


It suddenly occurred to me that no matter how much a person accumulates, or where he might find himself to be, he is always he, life remains the same, and he is still doing the same things.

一個農夫依然是農夫,只有做著來得自然和熟悉的事情才會是幸福的。A farmer is still a farmer, and he will only be happy when he』s doing what comes natural and familiar to him.


The only difference is that he has a golden watch on his wrist, but his heart is still filled with the same passions, and his days are filled with the same things.


Then, we naturally come to see that, although we need money to live, and we need different things to get us around, but sooner or later, we will get to a point where money and things no longer matter, and we face life itself.


For years we』ve been given to believe that once we make it across the river, or over the mountains, life will be different.


To a certain and small extent, it』s true, but ultimately we find that life is carried inside us--we are easily led to believe that life is what』s around us while it』s in fact inside us.


It can be a message of frustration, and it easily leads one to believe no amount of effort can bring about a change. But it can also be a message of good cheers, for with it, we set our feet sure on the ground, and life begins to make sense.



At this moment a line comes to my mind: 「In rest, quietness and confidence shall be your strength...」


Let us live our lives in rest, quietness and confidence, and let us grow into the very best we can be. Life is not a race, neither is it a struggle; it』s better to be relaxed and constantly return to rest; in rest, quietness and confidence we draw strength, so that we may venture far and last long.


When we are cognizant with the truth of life, loads of care that so easily wear us out are no longer there, and our hearts are free!



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