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人老了就是愛雞湯,Rent Boy Renton 也不例外

選擇設計師內衣,妄想能讓死氣沉沉的關係煥發點生機;選擇手提包,選擇高跟鞋,羊絨跟絲綢讓你感到快樂;選擇一部由自殺女工在中國製造的蘋果手機,把手機放進剛從南亞血汗工廠生產出來的夾克口袋裡面;選擇 Facebook、Twitter、Snapchat、Instagram,還有一千種跟素不相識的人發泄憤怒的方法;選擇更新你的主頁,告訴全世界你早飯吃了什麼,然後希望在某個地方、會有什麼人在乎;選擇找到舊情人們,拚命相信自己看上去沒他們那麼糟;選擇博客直播,從你第一次打飛機到最後一口氣,人際交往減少到只剩數據;選擇「你不知道的整容明星的十件事」;選擇對人流大驚小怪;選擇黃色笑話、小姐從良、另類A片,以及讓人無盡壓抑的厭女症;選擇911事件從未發生,要是發生了,也是猶太人乾的;選擇簽一份黑合同,通勤2小時去上班;選擇相同的東西給你孩子,這隻有更糟,也許告訴你自己他們還沒出生會更好;然後坐回去體會窒息的痛苦,吸食劑量不明、品種不明、在某人廚房調配的毒品;選擇沒有兌現的承諾,希望你可以選擇不同的事;選擇永遠不從你自己的錯誤中吸取經驗;選擇看到歷史重演;選擇慢慢接受你能得到的東西,而不是你一直渴望的東西;滿足並認可貧窮;選擇失望;選擇失去你愛的人們,隨著他們的消失,你的一部分也會跟他們一同死去,知道你看見未來有一天,一點一點他們會全部消失,你就不會再談論自己的生死了;選擇你的未來,維羅妮卡;選擇人生。

Choose... designer lingerie, in the vain hope of kicking some life back into a dead relationship. Choose handbags, choose high-heeled shoes, cashmere and silk, to make yourself feel what passes for happy.Choose an iPhone made in China by a woman who jumped out of a window and stick it in the pocket of your jacket fresh from a South-Asian Firetrap. Choose Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and a thousand others ways to spew your bile across people you ve never met. Choose updating your profile, tell the world what you had for breakfast and hope that someone, somewhere cares. Choose looking up old flames, desperate to believe that you don t look as bad as they do. Choose live-blogging, from your first wank til your last breath; human interaction reduced to nothing more than data. Choose ten things you never knew about celebrities who ve had surgery. Choose screaming about abortion. Choose rape jokes, slut-shaming, revenge porn and an endless tide of depressing misogyny. Choose 9/11 never happened, and if it did, it was the Jews. Choose a zero-hour contract and a two-hour journey to work. And choose the same for your kids, only worse, and maybe tell yourself that it s better that they never happened. And then sit back and smother the pain with an unknown dose of an unknown drug made in somebody s fucking kitchen. Choose unfulfilled promise and wishing you d done it all differently. Choose never learning from your own mistakes. Choose watching history repeat itself. Choose the slow reconciliation towards what you can get, rather than what you always hoped for. Settle for less and keep a brave face on it. Choose disappointment and choose losing the ones you love, then as they fall from view, a piece of you dies with them until you can see that one day in the future, piece by piece, they will all be gone and there ll be nothing left of you to call alive or dead. Choose your future, Veronika. Choose life.


選擇劇透到此為止;選擇把31首原聲先列在這;選擇早上爬起來,通勤兩小時發個資源帖;選擇先看電影;選擇改日再寫劇透滿滿的原聲 Scene by Scene~

01 High Contrast - Shotgun Mouthwash

02 Rick Smith - Perfect Day

03 Ant?nio Carlos Jobim - Garota de Ipanema

04 Young Fathers - No Way

05 Underworld - Eventually But

06 Young Fathers - Get Up

07 Vera Lynn - Auf Wiederseh n Sweetheart

08 Brian Eno - Deep Blue Day

09 Young Fathers - Low

10 Blindboyboatclub - Dad s Best Friend

11 Alex Jackson, Ged Hanley & Neil Thomson - Penny Arcade

12 Margaret Davis, Ged Hanley & Neil Thomson - Caledonia

13 Billy King - The Blue Sea of Ibrox

14 Ged Hanley & Neil Thomson - Red Hot Salsa

15 Ewan McGregor & Jonny Lee Miller - 1690

16 Iggy Pop - Lust for Life (The Prodigy Remix)

17 John Barry - 007 (From"From Russia With Love")

18 The Clash - (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais

19 Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala di Milano - Intermezzo Sinfonico

20 Underworld - Born Slippy (NUXX)

21 Wiley - Wot Do U Call It?

22 Blondie - Dreaming

23 Ross Ainsley - Caledonia

24 Queen - Radio Ga Ga

25 Run-DMC vs Jason Nevins - It s Like That

26 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax

27 Young Fathers - Rain or Shine

28 Young Fathers - Dare Me

29 Wolf Alice - Silk

30 Young Fathers - Only God Knows

31 Fat White Family - Whitest Boy on the Beach

其實女主播近來的注意力都放在了甲殼蟲 Sgt. Pepper s Lonely Hearts Club Band 發行50周年紀念上,已更新 I、II、III 輯,可能還會有V、VI、VII輯……

一起聽Beatles《胡椒軍曹》BSgt. Pepper 50周年(IV)



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