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What is the Key for Confession?懺悔的關鍵是什麼


What is the Key for Confession?



Once, Gehse Ben Kungyal went to the home of one of his patrons, with nobody in at that moment. He saw some good tea in the tea bags and thought: 「I have no tea. I』ll steal a bit to brew up when I get back to my hermitage.」 But the moment he put his hand in the tea bag, he suddenly realized what he was doing. He called his patrons, 「Here is a bad person stealing tea, come and cut his hand off!」



When the Buddha was living in the world, why there were so many accomplishers? That is because they did not have the mind of concealing. If they had transgressed the precept, they would just speak out whatever happened when they met the Buddha, without concealing anything. Their thoughts were very simple and pure. In fact, our intention to hide and conceal is a kind of fault itself.



Actually, making mistakes or transgressing precepts are not terrible, because we are all ordinary people, and it is not possible for us not to transgress precepts or make mistakes. Whenever we do not conceal it, it would be fine. With regard to precepts, the Buddha has taught about three stages: How to receive the precepts, how to protect the essence of the precepts afterwards and how to repair and restore the essence of the precepts in case of transgression.



We shall protect the essence of the precepts after having received it. There are certain ways and methods to protect the essence, only with which can you be able to protect and keep the essence. The Buddha has taught about the four gates for downfalls, or the four reasons for transgressing precepts and creating karmas: Do not understand; Do not believe; Heavy afflictions; Heavy habitual tendencies.



If you don』t understand, you can learn; if you don』t believe in, you can contemplate and observe repeatedly so as to arouse firm faith; if you cannot antidote or conquer the afflictions such as greed and hatred due to the strength and intensity of them, or if you create bad karma or transgress precepts unconsciously due to the deep and heavy habitual tendencies accumulated since beginningless kalpas, you need to overcome these afflictions and habitual tendencies, which could only be cleared up gradually through practice, rather than be worked out all at once. Just like the onion in a pot, it is easy to tip the onion out of the pot, but the onion smell inside could only disperse gradually. The afflictions are just like the onion, while the habitual tendencies are like the onion smell. It is more difficult to correct the habitual tendencies, which requires certain process to cut out.

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