首頁 > 最新 > 《李光耀的價值觀哪裡去了?》——李光耀女兒李瑋玲和二兒子李顯揚的公開信



















































What hashappened to Lee Kuan Yew』s values?

Wefeel extremely sad that we are pushed to this position. We are disturbed bythecharacter, conduct, motives and leadership of our brother, Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore』scurrent prime minister and the role of his wife, Ho Ching. We have seenacompletely different face to our brother, one that deeply troubles us. Sincethe passing of Lee Kuan Yew, on 23 March 2015, we have felt threatened by HsienLoong』s misuse of his position and influence over the Singapore government andits agencies to drive his personal agenda. We are concerned that the system hasfew checks and balances to prevent the abuse of government.

Wefeel big brother omnipresent. We fear the use of the organs of state against usand Hsien Yang』s wife, Suet Fern. The situation is such that Hsien Yang feelscompelled to leave Singapore:

「Itis with a very heavy heart that I will leave Singapore for the foreseeablefuture. This is the country that my father, Lee Kuan Yew, loved and built. Ithas been home for my entire life. Singapore is and remains my country. I haveno desire to leave. Hsien Loong is the only reason for my departure.」

IfHsien Loong is prepared to act thus against us, his younger sister and brother,both contributing members of Singapore』s establishment, to advance his personalagenda, we worry for Singapore. We question whether able leaders withindependent political legitimacy will be side-lined to ensure Hsien Loong』sgrip on power remains unchallenged.

Thisis by no means a criticism of the Government of Singapore. We see many uprightleaders of quality and integrity throughout the public service, but they areconstrained by Hsien Loong』s misuse of power at the very top. We do not trustHsien Loong and have lost confidence in him.

SinceLee Kuan Yew』s death, there have been changes in Singapore that do not reflectwhat he stood for. Nobody ever doubted that Lee Kuan Yew always held the bestinterests of Singapore and Singaporeans at heart. He was authentic and spokehis mind. The same cannot be said for our brother, Lee Hsien Loong and hiswife, Ho Ching. We believe, unfortunately, that Hsien Loong is driven by adesire for power and personal popularity. His popularity is inextricably linkedto Lee Kuan Yew』s legacy. His political power is drawn from his being Lee KuanYew』s son. We have observed that Hsien Loong and Ho Ching want to milk Lee KuanYew』s legacy for their own political purposes. We also believe, based on ourinteractions, that they harbour political ambitions for their son, Li Hongyi.

Singaporehas no such thing as the wife of the prime minister being a 『first lady』. LeeKuan Yew was Prime Minister from 1959 to 1990. During those many years, hiswife (our mother) consistently avoided the limelight, remaining his stalwartsupporter and advisor in private. She lived discreetly, and set a high bar forthe conduct of a prime minister』s wife. She would never instruct PermanentSecretaries or senior civil servants. The contrast between her and Ho Chingcould not be more stark. While Ho Ching holds no elected or official positionin government, her influence is pervasive, and extends well beyond her jobpurview.

Throughouthis entire life, Lee Kuan Yew』s sole focus was on Singapore and its future. Hewas a strong opponent of monuments, particularly of himself. On suggestionsthat monuments or 『what-have-yous』 be made for him, he replied 「RememberOzymandias」. He was referring to Percy B Shelley』s sonnet about the EgyptianPharaoh with a penchant for self-aggrandising monuments. The boast etched in aplaque below his statue commanded lesser mortals to 「look on my works」. Onlythe vastness of desert sands remains: no empire, nor monuments, no great works.Lee Kuan Yew wanted none of these honours as edifices. Much more important tohim was that what he had done should last.

Itis for this reason that Lee Kuan Yew made clear throughout the years in publicand private his wish that his home at 38 Oxley Road be demolished upon hispassing. In his last Will and Testament of 17 December 2013, he againreiterated his wish and directed his three children to ensure that it befulfilled. Indeed, his opposition to monuments was so strong that he had madeclear that even if the house were gazetted (against his wishes), it should onlybe open to his children and their descendants.

However,we believe that Hsien Loong and Ho Ching are motivated by a desire to inheritLee Kuan Yew』s standing and reputation for themselves and their children.

Whilstour father built this nation upon meritocracy, Hsien Loong, whilst purportingto espouse these values, has spoken of a 「natural aristocracy」. Hsien Loong andhis wife, Ho Ching, have opposed Lee Kuan Yew』s wish to demolish his house,even when Lee Kuan Yew was alive. Indeed, Hsien Loong and Ho Ching expressedplans to move with their family into the house as soon as possible after LeeKuan Yew』s passing. This move would have strengthened Hsien Loong』s inheritedmandate for himself and his family. Moreover, even if Hsien Loong did not liveat 38 Oxley Road, the preservation of the house would enhance his politicalcapital.

Whathas been distressing are the lengths to which Hsien Loong and Ho Ching havegone and are willing to go to get what they want.

OnHsien Loong』s insistence, Lee Kuan Yew met with the Singapore Cabinet on 21July 2011 to discuss the fate of his personal home. Wei Ling met Lee Kuan Yewon the steps of their home as he returned from that meeting. He was anguishedanddespondent and told Wei Ling 「I should not have listened to Loong and goneto meet Cabinet.」 He was pained that Hsien Loong, his own son, opposed hiswishes in this manner.

LeeKuan Yew believed that Hsien Loong and Ho Ching were behind what wasrepresented to the family as a government initiative to preserve the house. Indue course, Hsien Loong himself made his position clear to Lee Kuan Yew. On 3October 2011, Lee Kuan Yew wrote: 「Loong as PM has indicated that he willdeclare it a heritage site.」

LeeKuan Yew specifically inserted into his will his wish for 38 Oxley Road to bedemolished so as to make it difficult for Hsien Loong to misuse the Cabinet topreserve it. He also removed Hsien Loong as an executor and trustee of hiswill.

Thewish, which was instructed to be made public as needed, was Lee Kuan Yew』sdirect appeal to the people of Singapore. It was his only request of them onhis passing.

Atthe reading of Lee Kuan Yew』s will, Hsien Loong was very angry that the willgave Wei Ling the right to remain living in the house and that it made clearLee Kuan Yew』s wish for its demolition immediately upon her passing orrelocation. Hsien Loong threatened us and demanded our silence on our father』slast wish. He wanted to assert in Parliament that Lee Kuan Yew had changed hismind, hoping to inherit the faith Singaporeans had in Lee Kuan Yew through thevisible symbol of the house. We refused and fought to release our father』s wishto demolish the house as instructed. We succeeded in making Lee Kuan Yew』s wishpublic in Singapore only after the international press carried the news. HsienLoong was therefore forced to state in Parliament that, as a son, he would liketo see the wish carried out. He wanted to appear filial in public whilst actingto thwart our parents』 wishes in private.

However,Hsien Loong and Ho Ching did not abandon their plans. Hsien Loong took steps totry to frustrate our publicising Lee Kuan Yew』s wish. We executed a Deed ofGift in 2015 with the National Heritage Board for the donation and publicexhibition of significant items from our parents』 home, with a stipulation thatLee Kuan Yew』s wish for the demolition of 38 Oxley Road be displayed prominentlyat the exhibition.

However,after the gift』s acceptance we soon received letters with spurious objectionsfrom Hsien Loong』s then personal lawyer, Lucien Wong. Lucien Wong was madeSingapore』s Attorney-General in January 2017. We were shocked to see that HsienLoong had used his position as Prime Minister to obtain a copy of the Deed ofGift from Minister Lawrence Wong, which Hsien Loong then passed to his personallawyer to advance his personal agenda. The exhibition only proceeded monthslater in a diminished format after considerable struggle on our part.

In2015, various letters were sent by Hsien Loong』s then personal lawyer makingaccusations and misrepresentations on his behalf regarding the circumstancesunder which Lee Kuan Yew』s last will was executed and the inclusion of thedemolition wish. These were refuted in detail by us through our lawyers. HsienLoong knew that he could not establish his accusations in a court of law andraised no legal challenge. On the contrary, he was likely concerned that thefact that the gift of the house to him had been obtained by him throughmisrepresentations to our father and the family might be made public. Probatewas granted on 6 October 2015 and Lee Kuan Yew』s will, including the wish todemolish 38 Oxley Road, became the full,final, and legally binding word on his intentions as to his estate.

HsienLoong initiated a settlement with us in May 2015; the Estate of Lee Kuan Yewwas contemplating a challenge of the disposition of the house to him based onhis misrepresentations. Hsien Loong represented that this sale of the housewould give us a free hand to demolish the house. Final agreement on thesettlement was reached in late 2015. Hsien Loong insisted that Hsien Yangshould pay him full market value for the house (and donate an additional halfthe value of the house to charity). In exchange for this, we asked for andobtained a joint public statement issued by all 3 children of Lee Kuan Yew inDecember 2015 that we hoped that the Government would allow the demolition wishto be fulfilled and that all Singaporeans would support this cause. We alsoobtained an undertaking from Hsien Loong that he would recuse himself from allgovernment decisions involving 38 Oxley Road and that, in his personalcapacity, would like to see the wish honoured.

Wehad hoped that through this settlement, he would not hinder us from honouringour parents』 wishes. However, we were disappointed that despite the settlementand Hsien Loong』s undertakings, in July 2016, Minister Lawrence Wong wrote toinform us that a Ministerial Committee had been set up to consider options withrespect to 38 Oxley Road and their implications. This also directlycontradicted Hsien Loong』s statement in Parliament in April 2015 that there wasno need for the Government to take a decision in respect of 38 Oxley Road untilWei Ling no longer resided there, and that it would be up to the Government ofthe day to consider the matter. Hsien Loong, despite his undertakings to recusehimself, proceeded to make extensive representations to the Committee. He isconflicted. His political power is related to being Lee Kuan Yew』s son and thushe has every incentive to preserve Lee Kuan Yew』s house to inherit hiscredibility. He also sits in a direct position of power over the Committeecomprised of his subordinate ministers, thus wielding considerable influencefor any outcome he desires.

HsienLoong has asserted to the Committee that Lee Kuan Yew would 「accept anydecision by the Government to preserve 38 Oxley Road.」 This play on words isnot only dishonest, but nonsensical. Lee Kuan Yew accepted, as he had to, thatthe Government had the power to preserve 38 Oxley Road against his wishes. Butthis does not mean that he wanted 38 Oxley Road preserved.

Indoing this, Hsien Loong has deliberately misrepresented Lee Kuan Yew』s clearintentions for his own political benefit. He has also gone back on his owndeclarations that he would recuse himself from all Government decisionsinvolving 38 Oxley Road and his supposed support for the demolition of thehouse as Lee Kuan Yew』s son.

Inhis representations to the Committee, Hsien Loong seeks to call into questionthe circumstances which led to the execution of Lee Kuan Yew』s last will andits inclusion of the demolition wish. He and Ho Ching are unhappy because thedemolition wish gives Wei Ling an unfettered right to live in the house. Thesequeries he raised to the Committee were already fully refuted in 2015. Exceptthis time, of course, they are being raised to a Committee comprising HsienLoong』s subordinates.

Thereality is that there was nothing suspicious or untoward at all about theexecution of Lee Kuan Yew』s last will. Indeed, Hsien Loong chose not to raiseany legal challenge. The simple truth is that Hsien Loong』s current popularityis tied to Lee Kuan Yew』s legacy. Preserving Lee Kuan Yew』s house would allowHsien Loong and his family to inherit a tangible monument to Lee Kuan Yew』sauthority.

LeeKuan Yew was a lawyer and well knew the sanctity and finality of a will. Hegave clear instructions for the execution of the will. He carefully read hisfinal will before signing it, and he continued to review and reflect aftersigning to put his affairs in order. Two weeks after executing his will, LeeKuan Yew personally drafted unassisted a codicil to his will and executed it.All three children were kept fully apprised of the signing of the final willand the codicil. No objection was raised at that time and indeed Hsien Loonghas affirmed the will in public and in private.

Ultimately,it is not difficult to see that 38 Oxley Road should be demolished. There isfull alignment between Lee Kuan Yew』s final wish and the people of Singapore,since there is overwhelming support among Singaporeans for the demolition ofthe house.

Anindependent YouGov survey published on 22 December 2015 showed that 77% ofSingaporeans supported the demolition of Lee Kuan Yew』s house and only 17%opposed it.

「Weare private citizens with no political ambitions. We have nothing to gain fromthe demolition of 38 Oxley Road, other than the knowledge that we have honouredour father』s last wish. Hsien Loong has everything to gain from preserving 38Oxley Road – he need only ignore his father』s will and values.」

「Thevalues of Lee Kuan Yew are being eroded by his own son. Our father placed ourcountry and his people first, not his personal popularity or private agendas.We are very sad that we have been pushed to this. We feel hugely uncomfortableand closely monitored in our own country. We do not trust Hsien Loong as abrother or as a leader. We have lost confidence in him.」

Lee Wei Ling and LeeHsien Yang

Joint Executors and Trustees ofthe Estate of Lee Kuan Yew

14 June 2017





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