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絲芙蘭統計 全球回購率最高的面膜排行榜


1: lancome water mellow sleep mask

Lancome this sleep mask GuangZhen hydrating effect similar to water, it contains many kinds of plant essence, can give skin hydrated during the night, the toxin, side by side roots series of unique flavor of Chinese herbal medicine, a pleasant mood, coagulate frost daub onto the skin texture and radiant with water into water, is very good absorption, ice ice cool feeling, can let the skin rapid cooling, is a moist and refreshing mask, apply to all type of skin.



2: xuan to snail mask

As everybody knows, the snail concentrate is highly regarded in the skin, especially super skin repair effect, hydrating, anti-aging, such as the snail products originated in France, later popular throughout Europe and the United States, Japan and South Korea, finally to China, but there is a problem is very interesting, is popular, no matter where the snail concentrate materials in henan province have been actually, because only in henan the geographical environment is rich in the world"s best snail concentrate, so are imported, such as France and South Korea, the snail concentrate in henan, now xuan is their company"s own brand, so there is no doubt that the snail concentrate xuan is the most authentic.



3: sk-ii skin mask

This face film with super moisturizing effect, is rich in amino acids and minerals, its function is to mask the natural moisturizing factor can deep into the skin cuticle, moist skin, can help regulate the skin renewal cycle, make full moist skin. Soft cotton masks, each piece is richly contain Pitera, can let skin bath in plentiful Pitera ingredients, this magic ingredients can make the skin rapid water embellish burnish, glittering and translucent get rid of all the time.



4: clinique"s good night mask

This super moisturizing moisturizing mask can provide an immediate humidifying effect on the skin, using the special behavior patterns of the night skin to make the skin feel full. And hydrating mask in exclusive moisturizing formula can provide the skin with the required close skin lipids, endure for a night, help skin calm soothing sensitive skin inflammation caused by environmental harm in the day. Make your skin especially soft when you wake up the next morning, and if you stick to it daily, it will improve and repair the barrier of your skin, leaving your skin far from the dry wastes.



5: CPB intensive care mask

The reason: CPB is the most prestigious brand in shiseido, Japan"s shiseido, which is used to bring the dead body full of blood. "Focus on the skincare group" is one of the best products of word of mouth! Mask can decompose the accumulation of dead skin cutin on the skin surface, like to go to beauty parlour made a SPA care, tired what points minutes roll rough negative points, restored to top condition!



6: estee lauder intensive repair muscle mask

The reason: the face mask is the legendary tuhao facial mask, which is said to contain half a bottle of small brown bottle to repair the essence of the mask. Half a bottle of yo, phenomenon is so costly, and even the mask paper is extraordinary cool special, apply is on the surface, the outer see silver foil membrane, membrane and fit the skin side is white cloth, it is designed to better lock the essence of the mask, let the essence of faster penetration have a skin, increase cell fast repair and hydrating effect.



7: morita bouric acid composite original liquid mask

Recommended reason: the mask contains ingredients mainly hyaluronic acid, towel gourd, cucumber and licorice, these components can not only make the skin rapid filling water absorption, also can reduce the sensitivity of the skin, also can be used for people with sensitive skin, apply after can also achieve a calm soothing effect. Note: use this face film is cotton material, fit to the skin in general, some skin absorption capacity is not very good, may need to apply more consecutive days.



8: Peter Thomas Roth petrov

Medicine makeup from Peter Thomas Roth petrov"s most iconic star hydrating mask a considerable reputation, main ingredients are cucumbers, papaya, chamomile, pineapple, sugar, sweet orange, lemon essence, green gel jelly, very Q smooth and refreshing. The skin is better able to calm the skin after sunburn. On a daily basis, you can apply a thick layer of thick layer, which is about 15 minutes or so.

8:Peter Thomas Roth 彼得羅夫小黃瓜面膜

葯妝出身的Peter Thomas Roth彼得羅夫家最具代表性的一款頗具口碑的明星保濕面膜,主要成分是小黃瓜、木瓜、洋甘菊、鳳梨、蔗糖、甜橙、檸檬精華,綠色啫喱果凍狀,非常的Q滑、清爽。針對晒傷後的肌膚,能夠更好地鎮定皮膚。平日里可以敷上厚厚的一層,一次15分鐘左右,一定要洗凈,不要過夜。

9: chanel"s soothing facial mask

It has the effect of purifying and soothing the skin, it is suitable for the use of skin with more skin. Cool and rich, gentle and comfortable texture, bring to the skin the wonderful feeling of relaxing. Fresh and fresh, it absorbs all the dirt and excess skin in your skin. The skin becomes smooth and beautiful.



10: estee lauder platinum is the luxury of black diamonds

Estee lauder platinum luxury pet can accumulate black diamonds luxury facial mask contains the estee lauder top luxury pet platinum series of unique black diamonds truffle chaoneng pithy and microcrystalline tender skin technology breakthrough. Make the skin instantly reappear moving vigor, open young glorious. The skin absorbs a fluid flow of energy, exhaustion one sweep and the light, the skin color is more bright and clear, the tactile sensation is like silk softness, the flawless American muscle, the fresh reflection.






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TAG:春門時尚 |


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