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Sarah談電影 心與夢飛行




I wanna tell the story with the lines at the beginning of the film, so if you feel any familiar when hearing them, do not be surprised. 「My name is Frank W. Abagnale. I made a career out of being the most outrageous imposter from 1964 to 1967. I successfully impersonated an airline pilot for Pan Am Airways, and I flew over two million miles for free. During that time, I was also the chief resident pediatrician at a Georgia hospital, and an assistant attorney general for the state of Louisiana. By the time I was caught, I was considered the youngest and most daring con man in U.S. history. I had cashed almost $4 million in fraudulent checks in 26 foreign countries and all 50 states. I did it all before my 19thbirthday.」

Inspired by a true story on Frank W. Abagnale,this movie,catch me if you cantracks young Frank from age 16who before he was 21 made his way forging checks leaving the FBI Agent Carl Hanratty one step behind him until he was caught. After his parents file for divorce, Frank runs away from home to make his fortune. He finds that sometimes it』s easier to pretend to be someone rather than actually earn it, so he begins to impersonate an airline pilot, a pediatrician and a lawyer, while making and cashing forged checks all over the world. Frank is a brilliant forger and one of the most successful check fraud artists in history. With his talent, Frank helps the FBI capture some of the world』s most elusive check forgers and counterfeiters, and is considered one of the world』s foremost authorities.

There』s no philosophical delving, there』s no emotionally wrenching moments, and it doesn』t try to save the world with a message of right and wrong, it』s simply a tale of a young man who ingeniously eluded the authorities for nearly five years. It doesn』t become hard to believe that Frank would inevitably turn into a con man as we watch his father Frank Sr., who is a con-man, a smooth talker but fails to talk his way out of the FBI whom he owes taxes to. His first con was when he pretended to be a substitute teacher. He walked into the classroom, discovered a substitute teacher was expected, then wrote his name on the blackboard, and told the students to shut up and sit down. His father didn』t scold him nor did he even try to stop him, but simply laughed in amusement.

Thisis an entertaining film, and the plot is fascinating and keeps me laughing and wondering until the end. A scene that impresses me most is that Carl actually has Frank at gunpoint in a motel room, and Frank coolly pretends to be a Secret Service agent who is also on the suspect』s tail. What a quick thinker! When Brenda』s father quizzes him about what the name of a legendary professor』s dog is, with everyone』s attention, he wittily responds that the dog was dead, where his quickness saves him again. Much of the pleasure of the movie comes from its enjoyment of Frank s strategies. He doesn t seem to plan his cons very well, but to take advantage of opportunities that fall in his way.

I am also fascinated by the Frank/Carlrelationship. Of course, Frank is a check forger that Carl chases, but they are more like friends, like son and father.As the only person who really has a comprehensive overview of the scope and versatility of Frank s activities, Carl develops a respect for a natural criminal talent. Frank is at the top of the game but has no one to share it with and basically is unappreciated constantly seeking attention from his father and everyone else but realizes that the only persongiving him the attention he craves is the man who wants to arrest him. Frank is surely a genius criminal, but Carl just considers him a kid who was hurt through adolescent traumaand needs more protection.

Although the movie takes almost 140 minutes, it doesn』t have a dull moment and surely will be worth your time.

Words you may wanna know:

1.Outrageous:extravagantly bold or unconventional.

2.Imposter: somebody who makes false claims of identity.

3.Impersonate: to pretend to be someone else in order to deceive.

4.Pediatrician: a doctor who deals with children.

5.Con: a dishonest trick.

6.Fraudulent: not honest with the intention of tricking someone.

7.Forge:to illegally copy documents, paper money, or works of art with the intention of cheating people.

8.Elusive: difficult to catch and find.

9.Counterfeiter: (≈forger)a criminal who forges.

10.Delving (gerund of delve): to search something or look for information.

11.Wrenching (gerund of wrench): making somebody feel very sad and distressed.

12.Ingeniously: in a new and clever way.

因為個體的生命時長太短,走的路太窄;因為認知,眼界, 國籍,語言,這些內在和外在的限制;因為我生而為我,卻不能生而為你,他,她,它,他們,總想著偷窺那些「不能」的樣子。千百面不同的樣子重塑著生命的長度,路的寬度,打破似有若無的局限。所以,Sarah談電影,心與夢飛行~ 我想和你聊聊那些生而不能的樣子。






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