撰文 許秋楠(中科院物理所)
編輯 金庄維
中國科學院物理研究所/北京凝聚態物理國家實驗室(籌)的科研團隊首次觀測到三重簡併費米子,這一研究成果於 2017 年 6 月 19 日在線發表於《自然》期刊。該研究從理論預言、樣品製備到實驗觀測的全過程,均由我國科學家獨立完成。
2016 年,中科院物理所翁紅明、方辰、戴希及方忠等研究員在理論上預言了實際材料 WC(碳化鎢)家族中存在三重簡併點。【簡併是指某一個能級上電子可以存在的狀態數,狄拉克費米子具有四重簡併度,而外爾費米子和馬約拉納具有兩重簡併度。在特定條件下,一個狄拉克費米子可以分成一對外爾費米子或馬約拉納費米子。三重簡併的費米子顯然不在這三類之中。】物理所的石友國研究員隨後製備出 WC 家族中的 MoP 單晶樣品材料。錢天和丁洪研究組通過角分辨光電子能譜的測量,成功分析出 MoP 的電子結構,發現了其中的三重簡併點。這與理論計算的結論完全吻合。這是首次在真實材料中觀測到三重簡併費米子。
三重簡併費米子是由旋轉及鏡面對稱性所保護的,當破壞其中某個對稱性時,三重簡併點就會劈裂成為外爾點或者拓撲節線(nodal-line)結構。此外,MoP 體系中同時包含有三重簡併點及外爾點,這為研究費米子之間的相互作用提供了一個非常好的平台。
【標題】Observation of three-component fermions in the topological semimetal molybdenum phosphide
【作者】B. Q. Lv(中科院物理所,呂佰晴), Z.-L. Feng(中科院物理所,馮子力), Q.-N. Xu(中科院物理所,許秋楠), X. Gao, J.-Z. Ma, L.-Y. Kong, P. Richard, Y.-B. Huang, V. N. Strocov, C. Fang, H.-M. Weng, Y.-G. Shi, T. Qian & H. Ding
【摘要】In quantum field theory, Lorentz invariance leads to three types of fermion—Dirac, Weyl and Majorana. Although the existence of Weyl and Majorana fermions as elementary particles in high-energy physics is debated, all three types of fermion have been proposed to exist as low-energy, long-wavelength quasiparticle excitations in condensed-matter systems. The existence of Dirac and Weyl fermions in condensed-matter systems has been confirmed experimentally, and that of Majorana fermions is supported by various experiments. However, in condensed-matter systems, fermions in crystals are constrained by the symmetries of the 230 crystal space groups rather than by Lorentz invariance, giving rise to the possibility of finding other types of fermionic excitation that have no counterparts in high-energy physics. Here we use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to demonstrate the existence of a triply degenerate point in the electronic structure of crystalline molybdenum phosphide. Quasiparticle excitations near a triply degenerate point are three-component fermions, beyond the conventional Dirac–Weyl–Majorana classification, which attributes Dirac and Weyl fermions to four- and two-fold degenerate points, respectively. We also observe pairs of Weyl points in the bulk electronic structure of the crystal that coexist with the three-component fermions. This material thus represents a platform for studying the interplay between different types of fermions. Our experimental discovery opens up a way of exploring the new physics of unconventional fermions in condensed-matter systems.
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