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I Power station電站

1. power station電站

2. power plant電站,發電設備

3. utility電力部門

4.independentpower producer (IPP)獨立發電項目,獨立發電站

5.nuclear powerstation核電站

6. thermal powerstation火電站

7. fossil(fired) power plant化石燃料電站,常規火電站

8. combined heatpower (CHP) plant熱電聯供機組

9. steam powerplant蒸汽電站,蒸汽發電設備

10. cogenerationpower station熱電聯供電站

11. coal firedpower plant燃煤電站

12. oil firedpower plant燃油電站

13. gas filedpower plant燃氣電站

14. LNG powerplant (liquefied natural gas)燃液化天然氣電站

15. BoP (balanceof plant)電站輔機

16. I&C(instrumentation and control)儀錶和控制系統

II Turbine透平,渦輪

17. Turbine透平,渦輪

18. steamturbine汽輪機

19. gas turbine燃氣輪機

20. nuclearturbine核電汽輪機

21. fossilturbine火電汽輪機

22. industrialturbine工業透平

23. cogenerationturbine熱電聯供透平

24. condensingturbine凝汽式汽輪機

25. backpressure turbine背壓式汽輪機

26. extractionturbine抽汽式汽輪機

27. extractioncondensing turbine抽汽凝汽式汽輪機

28.single-extraction turbine單抽汽輪機

29. double-extraction turbine雙抽汽輪機

30. mechanical drive turbine機械驅動汽輪機

31. HP (IP, LP) turbine高(中、低)壓缸

32. sub-criticalpressure turbine亞臨界汽輪機

33.super-critical pressure (SC) turbine 超臨界汽輪機

34. ultra-supercritical (USC) pressure turbine超朝臨界汽輪機

35. BFPT (boilerfeed pump turbine)給水泵汽輪機

36. steamturbine with air-cooled condenser(air cooled steam turbine)空冷汽輪機

37. reheatturbine再熱汽輪機

38.double-reheat turbine二次再熱汽輪機

39. wet steamturbine濕蒸汽汽輪機

40. saturatedsteam turbine飽和蒸汽汽輪機

41. full-speedturbine全速汽輪機

42. half-speedturbine半速汽輪機

43. tandemcompound turbine單軸汽輪機

44. crosscompound turbine雙軸汽輪機

45. super(over)-high pressure turbine過高壓汽輪機

46. impulse(type) turbine衝動式汽輪機

47. reaction(type) turbine反動式汽輪機

48. axial flowturbine軸流透平

49. radial flowturbine徑流透平

50. turbine withaxial condenser軸向排汽汽輪機

51. turbine withhorizontal joint帶有水平中分面的汽輪機

52. turbine withvertical joint帶有垂直中分面的汽輪機

53. double flowturbine兩排汽汽輪機

54. triple flowturbine三排汽汽輪機

56.single-casing turbine單缸汽輪機

57.double-casing turbine雙缸汽輪機

58. turbineproper汽輪機本體

59. oil turbine 油透平

60. hydraulicturbine水輪機

61. marine steamturbine船用汽輪機

62.aeroderivative gas turbine航改式燃氣輪機

63. stationary steam turbine電站汽輪機

64. auxiliaryturbine輔助透平

III Rotary parts迴轉件

65. rotor轉子

66. rigid rotor剛性轉子

67. flexiblerotor撓性轉子

68. solid(forged) rotor (monobloc rotor)整鍛轉子

69. welded rotor焊接轉子

70. (hollow)drum (type) rotor鼓型轉子

71. built-uprotor組裝轉子

72. rotorwithout center bore無中心孔轉子

73. HP-LPintegrated rotor高/低壓一體化轉子

74. shafting(shaft)軸系

75. HP (IP, LP)rotor高(中、低)壓轉子

76. thrustcollar推力盤

77. journal軸頸

78. section ofrotor轉子區段

79. (first,second ) critical speed一階(二階)臨界轉速

80. extensionshaft (spacer)中間軸,延伸段

81. coupling聯軸節

82. flexiblecoupling撓性聯軸節

83. rigidcoupling剛性聯軸節

84.semi-flexible coupling半撓性聯軸節

85. halfcoupling聯軸節半部

86. integral(forged) coupling整體(鍛制)聯軸節

87. shrunk-oncoupling紅套聯軸節

88. spigot(rabbet)止口

89. disk (disc) 葉輪

90. rim(steeple)輪緣(樅樹型葉根槽)

91. hub輪轂

92. body(web)輪體

93. T (fir tree-type ) groove T型(樅樹型)葉根槽

94. balance hole(plane, weight, plug)平衡孔(平衡平面,平衡配重,平衡旋塞)

95. keyway鍵槽

96. disk ofconstant stress (conical profile)等強度(錐形)葉輪

97. disk ofconstant thickness等厚度葉輪

98. shrunk-ondisk紅套葉輪

99. blade葉片

100. moving (rotating,rotor) blade動葉

101. bucket 動葉

102. straight(tapered, twisted) blade直葉片(變截面葉片,扭曲葉片)

103. last stage(last but one, penultimate) blade末級葉輪(次末級葉片)

104. last(locking , gate) blade (piece)末葉片(鎖緊葉片,鎖緊件)

105. free-standblade自由葉片

106. integral shroudblade整體圍帶葉輪

107. triple-pinblade三聯葉片 108. bow blade馬刀型葉片

109. compoundlean blade複合彎扭葉片

110. concave(pressure) side內弧(壓力側)

111. convex(suction) side 背弧(負壓側)

112. tenon鉚釘頭

113. leading(inlet) edge 進汽邊

114. trailing(outlet, exit) edge出汽邊

115. blade wake葉片尾流

116.convergent-divergent channel (CD passage)縮張通道

117. brazed(stellite) shield釺焊(斯太立)防蝕片

118. lacing hole拉筋孔

119. profile(section of blade)葉型,型線部分(葉片截面)

120. reaction(degree)反動度

121. cascade葉柵

122. blade root葉根

123. (threeteeth, straight, curved ) fir- tree (blade) root(三齒直線/弧形)樅樹型葉根 124. (five finger) fork type (blade) root(五叉)插入式葉根,叉型葉根

125. tee(T-type) root T型葉根

126. inverted-T(blade) root倒T型葉根

127.straddle-type (blade) root 外包葉根

128. straddleinverted T-root 外包倒T型葉根

129. dovetailroot (serrated root)燕尾型(齒型)葉根

130. lacing(tie) wire 拉筋

131. (lacing)lug (stub) 拉筋凸台

132. looselacing wire松拉筋

133. tubularlacing wire管狀拉筋

134. shroud(band,cover)圍帶

135. wholecircle packed (continuously connected) shroud 整圈連接圍帶

136. integralshroud整體圍帶

137. snubber整體圍帶

138. gauging(throat)喉節比(喉部)

139. pitchdiameter節徑,平均直徑

140. topdiameter(葉片)頂部直徑

IV. Stationaryparts靜止件

141. casing(cylinder)汽缸,缸體

142. outercasing外缸

143. innercasing內缸

144.single-shell casing單層缸

145.double-shell casing雙層缸

146. cover(upper half)上半部

147. base (lowerhalf)下半部

148. horizontal(split) joint水平中分面

149. (massive)flange(厚)法蘭

150. (casing)bore(汽缸)窪窩

151.fastener(bolt, nut, stud, dowel)緊固件(螺栓、螺母、螺柱、定位銷)

152. verticalflange垂直法蘭

153. tightness氣密性

154. inlet進口

155. exhaust排汽口

156. exhaust hood 排汽缸

157. guide plate導流板

158. diffuser擴壓管

159. flange bolthole法蘭螺栓孔

160. shrunk-onring紅套箍環

161. combinedHP-IP casing高中壓合缸

162. thermalshield (baffle)擋熱板

163. single(double) flow HP turbine單流(雙流)高壓缸

164. flow path(steam path)通流部分

165.centersupport system滑鍵系統

166. lug ( foot,pawl)貓爪

167. thermalinsulation保溫設施

168. enclosure(lagging)罩殼(外殼)

169. diaphragm隔板

170. blade ring( diaphragm carrier)葉片持環,隔板套

171. outer(inner) ring (of diaphragm)(隔板)外環(內環,隔板體)

172. stationary(stator, guide ,nozzle) blade靜葉,導葉,噴嘴

173. vane(partition) 靜葉

174. cast-in(welded-in) diaphragm鑄造(焊接)隔板 rotary diaphragm迴轉隔板

175. nozzleblock (chest)噴嘴組(噴嘴室)

176. diaphragmdeflection隔板撓度

177. bearinghousing (pedestal)軸承箱

178. frontbearing housing (standard) 前軸承箱

179. rearbearing housing 後軸承箱

180.floor(-type) bearing落地式軸承

181. bearing軸承

182. journal(radial) bearing支持軸承(徑向軸承)

183. thrust (axial) bearing推力軸承(軸向軸承)

184. tilting padbearing可傾瓦軸承

185. Kingsburgtype thrust bearing金斯布里推力軸承

186. Babbitt(white metal, bearing metal)巴氏合金

187. bearingbush軸承殼體

188. bearingbody軸承體

189. bearing pad軸瓦

190. bearingcover (cap) 軸承上半

191. 360°bearing整圓軸承

192. ellipticalbearing橢圓軸承

193. three wedgebearing三油楔軸承

194.self-aligning bearing自找中軸承

195. sleevebearing套筒式軸承

196. slidingbearing滑動軸承

197. (oil)pocket (wedge)油袋(油楔)

198. oil film油膜

199. oil (film)whip油膜振蕩

200. setting pad(segment)安裝瓦塊

201. working pad(segment)工作瓦塊

202. oil ring(oil deflector)擋油環

203. oil filmstiffness油膜剛度

204. armoredthermocouple鎧裝式熱電偶

V. Main Valves主要閥門

205. Main (HP)stop valve (MSV)主汽閥

206. control(governing) valve (CV, GV)調節閥

207. reheat (IP)stop valve(RSV)再熱主汽閥

208. interceptvalve再熱調節閥

209. Combinedmain stop/governing valve聯合式主汽/調節閥

210. butterflyvalve蝶閥

211. piloted(pre-inlet) valve預啟閥

212. fast valve快速動作閥

213. check(non-return) valve逆止閥

214. solenoidvalve電磁閥

215. motordriven (operated) valve電動閥

216.drain valve疏水閥

217. diaphragmvalve (atmospheric)膜片閥(大氣閥)

218. relief(exhaust) valve釋放閥(放汽閥)

219. safetyvalve安全閥

220. extraction valve 抽汽閥

221. stop valve截止閥

222. flap valve翻板閥

223. gate valve閘閥

224. steam chest蒸汽室

225. (valve)stem閥桿

226. (valve)disk (plug)閥碟

227. (valve )seat閥座

228. (valve) bonnet (cover)閥帽(閥蓋)

229. valvecasing (chest)閥殼

230. (valve)travel (stroke)閥門行程

231. cross over(cross under)連通管

232. anti-jamming(stick) test防卡澀試驗




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