The White House told Russia on Monday that it reserves the right to self defense after the Kremlin warned it would track US-led coalition aircraft in Syria as potential targets and halted an incident-prevention hotline with Washington after US forces downed a Syrian jet.
克里姆林宮警告說,它將追蹤美國領導的在敘利亞的作戰飛機 並將其作為潛在的「目標」(標靶),並在美國軍隊擊落一架敘利亞政府軍飛機後,停止與華盛頓的緊急事件預防熱線。之後,白宮在周一告訴俄羅斯,美方將保留「自衛權」。
I think that the escalation of hostilities among the many factions that are operating in this region doesn t help anybody White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said and the Syrian regime and the others in the regime need to understand that we will retain the right to self defense of coalition forces aligned against ISIS.
Spicer told a reporter later that he was not saying the US is on the brink of war with Russia amid an escalation in tensions that came after the Syrian government attacked a US-backed group that is fighting ISIS.
The US says an SU-22 operated by the Syrian regime was dropping bombs on the Syrian Democratic Forces when it was shot out of the sky by a U.S. F/A-18E Super Hornet.
美方稱,由敘利亞政府軍操作的蘇22在被美國F / A-18E超級大黃蜂擊落時,正在向敘利亞民主力量部隊投擲炸彈。
xredsx tilbury United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Self defence is when you are in your own territory being attacked.
自衛 是指當你在自己的領土受到攻擊時。
james none United Kingdom 9 hours ago
Albanianguy33: The democratically elected government of Syria asked Russia for help. They did not however ask the US or UK for help.
阿爾巴尼亞人33:民主選舉的敘利亞政府要求俄羅斯提供幫助。 然而,他們沒有用任何一種方式,要求美國或英國的幫助。
CITIZEN London United Kingdom 2 hours ago
Russia is officially invited by the sovereign Syrian government to fight terrorsrists US is NOT.
Bill from Bucks High Wycombe 14 hours ago
Of course the U.S.is not being provocative at all. Supporting anti government forces on Syria s soil without any permission to be there if that s not provocative then what is. Shameful bullying behaviour.
當然,美國根本沒有挑釁。 如果在沒得到任何允許的情況下,在敘利亞的土地上支持反政府武裝都不算挑釁 那什麼才叫? 可恥的欺凌惡棍行為!
Qalupalik London United Kingdom 12 hours ago
No it is actually a war crime as an act of aggression and has the potential to lead to wide scale loss of life. All for the greed which is endemic to American Exceptionalism.
lyn lalalalaland United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Trump needs to prove he is not in putins pocket. Job done.
Pauleta Paris France 14 hours ago
The US ruining people s lives all around the world since 1945 thanks for nothing!
Alex Silent Saint Petersburg Russia 11 hours ago
France and Germany were allies during WW2.
Feddup Yorkshire United Kingdom 1 hour ago
Meh... Northern Virginia ==== WW1 - Your troops were so ill-prepared they did not see action until June 1918 and had to borrow weapons from France and the UK. Pershing sent men over the top on human wave attacks even when advised not to by the British & French. WW2 --- Did not see action until November 1942 and were supported by the Royal Navy and RAF. They were not considered very effective in the face of a determined enemy resistance. On D-Day the US generals ignored all offers of specialist vehicles (Hobart s Funnies ) and advice from the British deciding they knew better. Omaha Beach would have benefited considerably. (US cas (Omaha only) = 6000; British& Canadian cas (Sword Juno Gold) = 2500)
Kim Rong Un Pyongyang Spain 12 hours ago
Why is the US attacking a country that is fighting daesh?
HarveyHK Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 hours ago
Because Assad wont let the yanks have their pipeline thru Syria. thus allowing them to compete against Putin s stranglehold on gas and oil supplies into Europe. So Assad has to go at whatever the cost. That cost would appear to be unleashing ISIS on Assad (and the rest of the world).
Judge Dredd Aberdeen 2 hours ago
Because Daesh (ISIS) and the US are one.
Qualified Expert Newcastle United Kingdom 13 hours ago
Western troops out leave ISIS to Vlad.
UrsaM Exeter United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Put them in a Gulag. U
Al Douane Martintown Canada 12 hours ago
At least with Assadthe Christians in Syria are protected.
UrsaM Exeter United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Spot on. Cant understand why the Bible thumping US has done a deal with the wahabis.
mikevienna wien Austria 12 hours ago
The US is providing air cover for rebel forces just as they did in Libya. They didn t turn out well either why don t they learn? It s not self defence they shouldn t be there.
Burnt Land of oz United States 12 hours ago
When your stupid it s harder to learn
Vesi Murmansk Russia 13 hours ago
The irony a Vietnam draft dodger afraid to scar his pretty face in the war now wants to start a war where he will send young men to die defending a faction that later will turn against the US.
MellowB1rd Surrey United Kingdom 14 hours ago
We are in a worse situation than we were during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
null 13 hours ago
Slight exaggeration!
Tubby Slough United Kingdom 13 hours ago
All off the back of the deal he made with the Saudis.
MellowB1rd Surrey United Kingdom 13 hours ago
I think President Trump played a double bluff. Take Saudi money and dont give them the arms. Look to what is happening in Qatar thousands of Turkish troops there waiting for something. American ships in Qatary ports. I think we might be about to go after the very heartbeat of isis. And that is Saudi. I think we are on for w w 3.
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