Connect Fashion Power of China with the World 華麗志英文版發布酒會圖文播報
自 2013 年5月正式成立以來,《華麗志》始終以全球視野和專業態度,面向數百萬關注奢侈品、時尚和生活方式產業的中國精英讀者,源源不斷地提供全球最及時、全面的品牌經營管理、創業投資、兼并收購、商業模式和科技創新等方面的權威資訊,還精心打造了一個內涵豐富的在線品牌知識庫、行業研究資料庫和時尚金融資料庫。
在洛克·外灘源酒會現場,《華麗志》創始人、橙灣大學校長余燕(Alicia Yan Yu)女士(上圖)向在座各國嘉賓友人用中英文發表了主題演講,介紹《華麗志》的發展歷程,闡釋了創辦英文網站的初衷與願景。以下為英文演講的全文:
「Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the launch party for the English website of Luxe.Co (or Hua Li Zhi).
Luxe.Co is a very special kind of business media like never before, because we regard the business of luxury、fashion and lifestyle as a whole, and aspire to connect the three worlds of fashion, finance and technology.
Looking around us:
Global capital flow and technological innovations are increasingly driving the betterment and expansion of consumer product and service sectors.
More and more, we demonstrate our social awareness and personal value through what we wear, eat and use and how we spend our leisure time, and spend more to experience than to possess.
In our daily consumption, we tend to mix and match the exclusive and the mass, while creativity and craftsmanship are playing more important parts in our choices of products.
Fashion and Technology are becoming more and more relevant to each other, and crossover is gaining popularity between art, fashion and living …
As strongly as we sense these refreshing trends in our daily lives, the global market and industry are also being reshaped along the way.
At Luxe.Co, we consider it our primary tasks to capture the data, the facts and the excitements of such movements as comprehensive as possible, and bring them in the most timely and professional manner to the related entrepreneurs, executives, investors and other stakeholders.
Although Luxe.Co is often labelled as 「Fashion Business Media」, our coverage actually extends to the sectors of Luxury, Fashion, Beauty, Wellness, Fitness, Home, Travel, Food and Art, all centered around the subjects concerned most by the new age consumers, but with a very dedicated business focus.
With 99% of the contents produced in-house, we consistently deliver exclusive interviews, research and reports, while drawing inspirations from around the world.
The articles on our Chinese website (close to 8000 published so far) have covered over 1000 global premium brands, of which nearly half of them gained first ever exposure to the business readers in China through our report.
We connect and inspire the best people in fashion, finance and technology, not just through our premium content, but also via a string of quality offline activities, such as the annual Luxe.Co Global Fashion Investment Forum, Fashion.VC InnoBrand Competition, as well as various seminars and roadshows for startups.
Over the past four years, we have been consistently tracking the development of hundreds of interesting topics as VC investment, Merger & Acquisitions, Store Innovation, Travel Retail, Fashion Week, Fashion Laws, Yoga, Premium coffee,, Healthy snacks, New materials, Supply Chain Improvement, Social responsibility and the application of VR, AR and 3D technology in Fashion… We also arrange topics by certain countries as France, Italy, Japan, Switzerland …
Most recently we have launched Orange Bay University, a very unique fashion business school combined with startup college. Leveraging on our extensive knowledge base and industry network, we aim to provide the world-class business education to the future leaders in the area of luxury, fashion and lifestyle. Class 2017 has kicked off one month ago in Beijing, and continued in Shanghai this weekend.
Neither of fashion, technology and capital has any boundary, so from the very beginning, Luxe.Co is positioned from a truly global perspective, and almost all our team members are bi-lingual or tri-lingual.
In early 2016, we produced Luxe.Co』s very own Top 100 list for Global Premium Brands with proprietary methodology — taking into consideration of the sales data in China, mentions and searches on Chinese social media platforms and search engines, together with our proprietary survey of mid-high end Chinese consumers. This ranking results was published in both Chinese and English, the latter or which was captured and quoted by the equity research team of Goldman Sachs in a report of September 2016.
As Luxe.Co enters the fifth year, we believe now is the right time to launch a full English website, so that we could better communicate with the English speaking communities and extend our media influence beyond China.
With this new extension, we could bring our research and observations of China market, the stories and messages of Chinese entrepreneurs and investors to a much broader global audiences. Meanwhile, we would facilitate more and more brands and companies in China to venture abroad, and also help global brands and organizations to communicate with Chinese audiences in a more convenient way.
Well footed in China, the biggest and most promising consumer market in the world, where the talents, the energy and the money are most active, we believe it is only a matter of time before Luxe.Co grows from China』s most authentic and influential fashion business media to the World』s best.
Thank you for your continuous support and please enjoy the evening!」
繼 2015 年底首次發布「中國時尚消費調查報告」後,《華麗志》研究團隊繼續通過互聯網可控節點精準調查的形式,精準收集了中國一二線城市及海外年輕時尚消費者的行為習慣數據,共回收有效樣本 1816 份,受訪者男女比例約為 3:7。報告結果覆蓋了奢侈品牌、中國設計師品牌、品牌營銷、實體零售等多個時尚行業關鍵的細分領域,希望幫助品牌、零售商和研究機構更深入地了解中國年輕消費群體。
在此特別鳴謝法國駐華大使館、澳大利亞駐華大使館、法國駐上海總領事館、義大利駐上海總領事館、西班牙駐上海領事館、上海時裝周組委會、赫斯特中國(Hearst China)、康泰納仕時尚設計培訓中心(CONDé NAST CENTER OF FASHION & DESIGN)、英中貿易協會、倫敦藝術大學(UAL)、Vogue China、ELLEMEN、Bottega Veneta、De Beers、日播集團、上海新天地、Selfridges、中信資本、華平投資、中國平安、光大證券、民生銀行、華人文化產業投資基金、國泰基金、友邦保險、達能集團、百雀羚集團、Inditex 集團、菲仕樂(Fissler)、美博會、百儷會、名堂、時堂、Taoray Wang、界面、中國新聞社、投中網 China Venture 等機構和企業的到場嘉賓。(排名不分先後)
(上圖:橙灣大學一期部分學員現場合影。《華麗志》在 2017 年3月創辦了全球首家時尚商學院 + 創業學院:橙灣大學 Orange Bay University(訪問官網。2017 年 5 月 26 日,橙灣大學一期正式開學,第一和第二階段的課程已經順利在北京和上海兩地完成。)
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