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【酒店】YANG設計集團 | 石梅灣威斯汀度假酒店



On the beach of Shimei Bay, known as the "most beautiful" beach in Hainan, there is a 4,000-year-old vatica mangachapoi forest community stretches along the coastline. It has been protected by the government from the Qing Dynasty Guangxu years, and is one of the world"s last three major coastal vatica mangachapoi forests. Covering nearly 120,000 square meters, Westin Shimei Bay Resort is located here. The unique geographical environment has been constantly providing design inspirations for YANG. 「Exploring the Vatica mangachapoi Forest」 is chosen as the theme in line with the Westin hotel』s natural leisure and vibrant brand positioning. Plants and natural distributions of water in the vatica mangachapoi forest are ingeniously move into the hotel lobby. Natural patches, trunks and other elements, extracted from vatica mangachapoi,are copied on screens, carpets, and walls.


The hotel lobby takes an area of nearly 10,000 square meters and is 23 meters in height. With such a huge space, YANG was inspired by the towering old trees of the vatica mangachapoi forest, building up 36 huge concrete "trunks" in the lobby. As pillars of the lobby space, the "trunks" are covered by aluminum sheets with natural wooden textures. At the same time, passageways built between "trunks" formed up an air corridor, which not only solve the problem of excessive space scale, but also reproduce a mysterious sense of the jungle.


To ensure the air outlet of the lobby roof is scientific and reasonable enough, designers optimize the plan by repeatedly testing the directions and speeds of local wind, and ultimately come out with the perfect presentation of the magnificent open hotel lobby.This fully open lobby introduces natural sunlight and fresh air into the hotel, and also broadens sight range and landscape space. Sink-style bar counters and seats are deliberately built in the lobby bar, so as to make visions flush with the sea level, and to create a scene of people sitting in the sea. With flowers and trees scattered around, Savana grey marble rough surfaces with rich natural textures and local volcanic rocks are widely used in the lobby space, making people feel like standing amid the rain forest.


In terms of the overall design of the hotel, YANG also stress a lot on the power of cultures in space, while creating abundant natural atmospheres. Mesh screens in the coastline restaurant which resemble the ancient fishing net, decorations like sailing ships, shells and other marine elements ornaments are telling distant stories of this seacoast; Made of Hainan tiles, the wall of the Specialty restaurant contains a lot of highlights and lowlights and thus becomes a quaint and graceful existence. Patterns of the Li people painted on the wall also fully display the local customs. The modesty and leisurely rattan screens and seats in the Chinese Restaurant are hand-made products of the local craftsmen. The simple and casual line design of the all day dining restaurant, together with rhythmed wooden texture grilles, form up a coordinated sequential feature, which not only encompasses traditional Chinese beauty, but is also rich in senses of holiday leisure .


Stone materials with natural textures in combination with well-arranged rock modeling create a straightforward natural atmosphere in the Banquet Hall, and guide the light pass through the image of layers of branches and leaves. The usage of aluminum punching materials is a breakthrough in banquet hall ceiling design, making red, blue, purple, and green LED lights pouring down layers of "foliage", so as to create a change of colors and a dreamlike experience.


Designers apply the colors of the vatica mangachapoi forest in nearly 400 rooms to produce different situational experiences, adding up more natural intelligence and vitality into the spaces. Vatica mangachapoi forests』 mottled colors and the patterns of branches penetrate through the design of the carpets and decorative paintings, and with the original colored furniture and grass green pillows, it creates a tranquil feeling of sleeping right in the middle of the forest.


Bing exposed to the nature and wandering between cultures. Once again, YANG redefines the tradition of designing. By 「exiling」 most of the hotel space to nature, YANG successfully combine the architecture, the landscape, and the interior design into a harmonious one. As the world"s largest Westin hotel, the Westin Shimei Bay Resort is going to be a perfect example of design and nature combination, and a new milestone for Starwood resorts hotels.

YANG設計 | 石梅灣威斯汀度假酒店


項目名稱 | 石梅灣威斯汀度假酒店

Program Name | The Westin Shimei Bay Resort

項目地點 | 中國海南萬寧石梅灣濱海路1號

Address | No.1 Binhai Road, Shimei Bay Tourism District Wanning, Hainan, China

項目面積 | 約12萬平方米

Area | Around 120,000㎡

酒店類別 | 度假酒店

Hotel Category | Resort Hotel

管理公司 | 喜達屋酒店集團

Management Company | Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Inc.

開業時間 | 2016年12月

Opening Time | Began trail operation on December, 2016

設計公司 | YANG設計集團

Design Company | Yangbangsheng & Associates』 Group

主創團隊 | 楊邦勝、陳岸雲、田帥

Chief Designers | Yang Bangsheng, Chen Anyun, Tian Shuai

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