首頁 > 最新 > 態度:關於產品定價的6篇必讀文章


As the story goes, legendary Tonight Show host Johnny Carson once interviewed renowned salesman Zig Ziglar. Carson was ready to put Ziglar to the test.

據說,《今夜秀》傳奇性節目主持人約翰尼?卡森(Johnny Carson)曾採訪過知名銷售大師齊格·金克拉(Zig Ziglar)。卡森親自對金克拉進行了測試。

「They say you』re the world』s greatest salesman,」 said Carson. 「How about you sell me something — say this ashtray?」

「大家都說您是世界上最偉大的銷售員,」 卡森說道,「您向我銷售一樣東西怎麼樣?就拿這個煙灰缸為例吧。」

「Before I can do that,」 replied Ziglar, looking at the ashtray. 「I』d have to know why you want it.」

「在這之前,」 金克拉看著煙灰缸回答,「我得知道您為什麼想要買它。」

「I guess it』s well-made, it looks pretty nice, and it』s a good ashtray,」 replied the talk show host.


「Alright,」 responded Ziglar, 「but you』ll have to tell me what you think it』s worth to you.」


「I don』t know,」 thought Carson, 「I guess $20 would be about right.」


「Sold!」 Ziglar exclaimed, smiling.


Whether this exchange is fable or fact, it unpacks a lot of what it means to price a product: from the interactive approach to the layered, fact-finding line of inquiry. For startups, pricing a product or service is a doorway you must walk through — or users might abandon you at the threshold.


Here at the Review, we』ve spotlighted several keen minds that have nimbly navigated the process of pricing for years — and have built careers and companies doing so. Instead of having you hunt for them in our archives, we』ve assembled the six most impactful actions a startup can take to get their pricing right. Our goal, as always is to help you get smart fast and apply what you』ve learned to make an immediate difference in your company or career. Or, in this case, to help you avoid buying — or selling — $20 ashtrays. Here we go!


Nail price before product. Period.


Building around price is the way forward according to Madhavan Ramanujam, a board member and partner at consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners. At the firm, he』s managed 125+ pricing projects for companies ranging from rising startups to the Fortune 500 — and has surveyed them, among others. Here are a few findings:

西蒙顧和管理諮詢公司(Simon-Kucher & Partners)董事及合伙人馬德哈萬·帕德瑪班納(Madhavan Ramanujam)曾表示,根據價格構建產品才是正確的行進之路。他在公司曾負責過125個以上定價項目,無論是新興初創公司還是財富500強公司皆有涉獵,這些公司最後都取得了顯著成功。其研究結果如下:

· ~80% of respondents said they were under price pressure.

· ~60% even said they were in a price war.

· The top way companies planned to respond to price pressure was to release new products and services in order to survive.

· Yet 72% of these innovations did not meet their revenue or profit targets, or even failed completely.





Ramanujam asserts that new products fail for many reasons, but the root of the problem is the failure to put the customer』s willingness to pay (WTP) for a new product at the very core of product design. Most companies postpone pricing decisions until after the product is developed, hoping they』ll make money rather than knowing they will. Here』s how not to fall into that trap:


Ask someone if they like a product. Then ask them if they like it at a price point, say $20. The whole conversation changes.


In his Review article, Ramanujam calls this a willingness-to-pay talk, which about 80% of companies don』t do, according to a Simon-Kucher study. 「Ask at the onset whether or not people would pay for the product you intend to develop,」 Ramanujam says. 「Frontloading this question is powerful because customers won』t be in the mindset of negotiating price. Instead, they』ll give you objective feedback that you can use to prioritize what you』re building.」

帕德瑪班納在其評論文章中將此稱為支付意願談話,而根據西蒙顧和管理諮詢公司的調查,大概有80%的公司都忽視了這一點。「一開始便詢問用戶是否願意支付您計劃開發的產品,」 帕德瑪班納指出,「提前提出這個問題意義重大,因為客戶此時還沒有準備議價。相反,他們會提供一些客觀的反饋,您可以利用這些信息來優化所構建的產品。」

Weave in price sensitivity into your feature preference surveys.


Over the years, Patrick Campbell has seen startups and multinationals alike labor to perfect products only to casually raise their finger to the windwhen it comes to determining their price. So he launchedPrice Intelligently to help SaaS companies, such as Atlassian, Hubspot and Insightly, boost revenue from and knowledge of their users, particularly through surveys.

近些年來,帕特里克?坎貝爾(Patrick Campbell)注意到初創公司和跨國公司都在很努力地完善產品,但在確定產品價格時卻是靠隨意臆測而斷。因此他創立了Price Intelligently公司以幫助Atlassian、Hubspot和Insightly 等SaaS公司,尤其通過調研等方式來提高其來自用戶的收入,並幫助他們了解自己的用戶。

Of course, there』s nothing more dreaded or beloved in the world of marketing than the online survey. Campbell and his company have sent over 15 million surveys, and have studied what』s worked and not worked along the way. Which brings us to our favorite tactic from Campbell, which is involves how he designs his feature preference surveys:


To start, focus surveys to test two elements — features and price sensitivity — with a relative preference methodology.


To test relative preference, list a set of features — including one that gauges price sensitivity — to evaluate and hone in on the extremes. Then, ask survey takers to identify the least and most important of the options. Here』s an example:


The beauty of this approach is that it efficiently extracts people』s preferences in a question. It falls between the multi-step or multifaceted question (which can be time-intensive and burdensome to complete) and the simple, lightweight question (which may not return the depth of response you seek).


Map how your product』s price correlates to a marketing- or sales-intensive strategy.


Mark Leslie is no stranger to the Review. The Stanford Graduate School of Business lecturer and founding Chairman and CEO of Veritas software has shared his advice on the arc of company life, challenging incumbents and the sales learning curve.

馬克?雷斯里(Mark Leslie)對於本評論來說並不陌生。他是史丹福商學研究所(Stanford Graduate School of Business)的講師以及華睿泰(Veritas)軟體公司的首席執行官,曾分享過有關公司生命軌跡、挑戰現有競爭對手和銷售學習曲線方面的建議。

Here, he offers a simple framework that can bring a go-to-market strategy into focus — one that can help startups smartly deploy limited resources when a product is first launched and a company has one chance to make a strong, first impression.


The first step in the framework? Price.


「Price is determined by how the customer values the product or service. Simply stated, it』s how much is the customer willing to pay, which is tied to the return-on-investment that the customer realizes,」 says Leslie. 「For example, you can』t afford to 『sell』 a $2 tube of toothpaste. To prove it, just take the total cost of the salesman and divide it by the number of sales calls in a year. That』s why no one goes door-to-door saying, 『Let me explain the benefits of Crest over Colgate.』 But, say you』ve got a product that costs $100,000 to build, you need to sell it for $200,000. Now you』re in a sales-intensive go-to-market strategy.」


To get started, ask yourself: 「Is this a large or small economic decision for the buyer?」.


Know how your product』s price impacts how and what you ship.


Before becoming an investor, Jocelyn Goldfein led engineering teams at Facebook and VMWare. She shipped a lot of software — at companies ranging from three to 10,000+ employees. Over her career, she』s built software that』s been given away for free and sold for $50M license fees — and just about every price point in between. In her Review article she focuses mainly on how to structure releases, but observes astutely why a product』s price will determine and influence how your team develops and ships software.

在踏足投資領域之前,喬斯林·戈德費恩(Jocelyn Goldfein)曾擔任Facebook和 VMWare公司的工程團隊負責人。她交付過許多軟體,跟擁有3到10000名以上員工的公司都打過交道。在整個職業生涯中,她既開發過免費軟體,也開發過價值 5000萬美元授權費用的軟體,當然還有各種介於這兩種價格之間的軟體。在其評論文章中,她主要關注如何架構軟體版本,但也敏銳地審視了為何產品的價格將會決定和影響團隊開發和交付軟體的方式。

If you sell software at a high price tag, chances are you are selling to businesses that are buying your software based on their need. The more expensive your software is, the more mission critical it is for your customers, and the more likely you have to optimize for reliability, functionality and a predictable schedule.


But as the price of software goes down — from millions to thousands, to hundreds, to freemium and free — your market goes higher volume and involves smaller businesses or consumers. For these products, schedules can be less important since people will generally accept your latest enhancements whenever they materialize. The influence of a single customer is small, so you might deprioritize a niche platform or bugs that affect only a few people.


As a rule of thumb, expensive software means predictability is key while shipping. Customers need your product. If you have a lower (or no) price tag, focus on UX. Users who don』t need your product have to want it.


Be selective about incentives and discounts.


Amazon famously drove up its purchase volume by offering free shipping for all orders over $25 (after an increase to $35 and back down to $25 in 2017). Free shipping is an attractive incentive because it appeals to anyone who is getting something mailed to them. But what』s an equivalent offer for startups that don』t offer physical products — and where free shipping makes no sense?


When Alex Rampell was the CEO of alternative payment startupTrialPay, he observed and tested a number of different experiments around incentives and discounts, and found three strategies to be particularly effective:

亞歷克斯·蘭貝爾(Alex Rampell)是替代支付初創公司TrialPay的首席執行官,他曾觀察並測試了許多有關促銷和打折的實驗,最後發現了3個特別有效的策略:

· Never ASK people for a 「coupon」 code. And get rid of your 「coupon」 field in your checkout flow. You』ll lose customers and revenue if you ask them to go hunting on Google for coupon codes.

· Contact information has long-term value if you can get it. It』s worth turning off some users in order to get more data (e.g., email addresses) for other customers that can help you segment them going forward.

· If you don』t have anything to offer as a bonus, find a complementary partner that you can work with to offer something unique. Rampell found that companies would partner and readily give away gift certificates (if well-qualified, like after a higher dollar purchase) in exchange for new customers. Checkout rates increased by 15% to 25%.

· If they think they can find a discount opportunity that』s just a click away, they will go hunting at your peril. Playing into this game doesn』t just dilute your income with unnecessary discounts. It sends people out of your checkout flow where they might get distracted and abandon the process altogether.





When you ask your user for a coupon code, you』re basically giving them an IQ test asking Are you dumb enough to pay full price or would you rather pay less?


All that said, discounts aren』t inherently bad. They can be incredibly effective if you position them correctly.


Design A/B tests on price with international users in mind.


When Gixo co-founder Selina Tobaccowala joined SurveyMonkey in 2009, 85% of its business was done in English. It was solidly a domestic company making slow inroads overseas. A little over five years later, the company was supporting 17 different languages and 28 currencies.

Gixo聯合創始人瑟琳娜·塔帕可瓦納(Selina Tobaccowala)於2009年加入 SurveyMonkey公司,此時該公司85%的業務都是採用英語處理,基本上還是一家國內公司,海外業務進展緩慢。僅在5年之後,該公司就可支持17種不同的語言和28種貨幣。

It』s challenging enough to come up with one price for a product, let alone for several global markets. The truth is payments and pricing are vastly different around the world. You have to do a lot of customization as you start thinking about conversion rates and international conversion funnels. And for technology companies with global aspirations, that hurdle is an inevitability.


One key piece of advice from Tobaccowala is to design A/B tests so that pricing and packages will always be the same for the same users. Most A/B testing platforms are cookie-based. This is a problem internationally where more people access websites from multiple devices. This means many of them will see multiple versions of your pricing page — which could send harmful mixed messages — at a time when you』re just building your brand in a new market.


The solution that Tobaccowala proposes is to be consistent and persistent on the user level instead of the cookie level. This is something to consider doing if you re going to invest in building price experiments anyway, but especially important for international users.





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