這個漢語怎麼說How to say it in Chinese-你喜歡哪種類型的男人?
你已經學了一段時間漢語了, 可是當你和中國人說話的時候卻發現很多時候還是聽不懂他們在說什麼? 在這個版塊, 我們就來教大家最地道的漢語, 讓你在和中國人交流的時候毫無壓力, 輕鬆搞定!
You have been learning Chinese for a while, but you still find that it s difficult when you talk to a native speaker. In this session, we will teach you how to say authentic Chinese.
We had a post before:」what kind of man do you like」. Today we will continue to talk about some other types.If you want to check the previous post, please click the link below:
What kind of man do you like(1)
孔雀男:The man who likes to make up and dress himself pretty like peacock feathers.
老:old, 幹部:cadre,official
老幹部:old cadre. It is used for an entertainment star who has good view of live, value and world outlook. They always educate other people like an old comrade. Some of them might be out of fashion and don』t know too much about electronics products. (They are not necessarily that old).
大叔, 30、40歲以上, 但是依然很帥,而且演技精湛,成熟穩重。
老:old; 臘肉:cured meat.bacon.
老臘肉:It indicates those old guy(from 30s or 40s and above) who is still handsome and well-accomplished in their profession.(It』s opposite of 「小鮮肉「)
4.IT男IT nán
從事IT行業的男人, 一天到晚都要面對電腦。 由於工作的原因, 很多人都會戴眼鏡,穿著方面也不太講究。
IT man, who is working in IT industry.
It indicated those men who always listen to their mom』s suggestions. No matter if those ideas right or it』s wrong. They don』t have their own thoughts.
The man who is good at taking care of others, very thoughtful. He, like the sun, make you feel so warm.
The guy who doesn』t like to go out and socialize. They prefer to stay at home watch TV or play video games.
The guy who is tall and handsome, also rich.
屌絲means pleb/Plebeian. It』s a cyber word. It used for those who always do something ridiculous, also means those people who was of humble birth and live a very pale and boring life. It often to be used for self-deprecating or poke fun at others.
If you have any questions, or if there is anything you want to learn, please leave us a message. We will reply to you in the next post. You can also send us your reading by voice message, we will help you to correct them.
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