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UCAS,The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service,英國全國大學統一學生申請機構,英國所有的高校要通過UCAS申請,每個申請人每年只能創建一個賬號,每個賬號可以選填1-5個志願,1個志願13磅,超過一個需要支付24磅申請費。注意,若是已經有了賬號,下一年再次申請,需要重新註冊一個新賬號。具體的申請細節詳如:

1.填寫UCAS申請,Fill in Your UCAS Undergraduate Application:

?註冊,Register:Add some personal details, get a username, create a password and set your security questions.

?登錄完善個人信息:Sign in to fill in the rest of your personal details

?選擇申請課程:Course choicesYou can choose up to five courses (all now or some later). There』s no preference order and your universities/colleges won』t see where else you』ve applied until after you reply to any offers you get.

注意:申請medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine 或者veterinary science這些課程的其中一門,你最多可以申請4個;牛津和劍橋僅建議申請1所學校。

?教育歷史Full education history:enter all your qualifications from secondary education onwards

?工作經歷employment history:If you ve had any paid jobs – full-time or part-time – here s where you can enter details for up to five of them. Include company names, addresses, job descriptions and start/finish dates.Mention any unpaid or voluntary work in your personal statement.

?個人陳述Write a personal statement:This is your chance to show universities and colleges why you want to study the course and why you d make a great student. It might take a while until you』re happy with it and you』ve checked it through with teachers, advisers or family, so it』s a good idea to start early.?檢查View all the details:See if you need to make any edits, then mark it as complete and save it.Once you』ve marked all previous sections as complete, you』ll be able to read and agree to the declaration – which allows us to process your info and send it to your chosen universities/colleges. You』ll then be able to move on to the final sections.?推薦信get a referenceA reference is a written recommendation from a teacher, adviser or professional who knows you academically. Everyone needs a reference, unless you get permission from your chosen universities and colleges. You must have a completed reference on your application before it is sent to us.?付申請費pay your application fee:The application fee is £13 if you』re applying to just one course, or £24 for multiple courses

2.錄取標準:UCAS Undergraduate entry requirements

?考試成績:Qualifications,subjects and exam grades– usually A levels or similar, and sometimes converted into UCAS Tariff points, which we』ll explain below.

?匹配度:Your suitability– course descriptions often mention skills, interests or experience it』s good to have, so look out for these details because applications can be quite competitive.

?入學測試An admissions test– less common, but check course requirements to see if you』ll need one, as some tests are held in autumn the year before the course start date.

?面試An interview– if so we』ll let you know online after you』ve applied, but it might be worth doing some early preparation or putting together a portfolio if required.

?其他要求:Further requirements –it』s possible there may be health, financial or DBS checks.

3.2018年入學的關鍵時間點Key dates for 2018 entry:

?2017年9月6日:完成入學申請表可提交至UCAS;2017年10月15日牛津劍橋申請截止日期,以及大部分的醫學, 獸醫/科學和牙醫課程截止;


?2018年2月25日:進入UCAS Extra階段,為那些被5所大學都拒絕了或者沒有接收到offer的學生重新開放申請,向有多餘名額的學校遞交申請。




?2018年6月7日:如果在5月3日前得到錄取結果,需在6月7日前回執 ;




?2018年7月5日:Ucas Clearing 開放,針對那些沒有收到任何錄取或者錯過任何錄取機會、以及拒絕所有錄取的學生,申請還有名額的課程。

?2018年7月5日:International Baccalaureate(IB)放榜日;



?2018年8月16日:2018 A level 放榜日;

?2018年8月16日:Adjustment 調劑開通,幫助那些實際成績超過預期成績的同學進行調劑。如果能夠找到一個更感興趣的大學/專業,則可以申請;一旦申請調劑的院校發放了offer,Ucas Track就會及時更新offer,原有的offer就會作廢;

?2018年8月31日 :達到offer條件,adjustment截止;



4.常見入學考試Admissions tests

?Law:Cambridge Law Test, LNAT


?Medical courses:BMAT,GAMSAT,HPAT,UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT)

?Thinking Skills Assessment:TSA Cambridge,TSA Oxford,TSA UCL

?University of Cambridge:Cambridge Online Preliminary Application (COPA).

BMAT,MML,STEP,TSA Cambridge,Cambridge Law Test


UCAS 官網:





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