首頁 > 美容 > 邁阿密全球美妝達人評選 最好用的面膜排行榜前十名

邁阿密全球美妝達人評選 最好用的面膜排行榜前十名

2017《HOT INS》美妝盛宴在邁阿密如期舉行,此次活動雲集全球知名的美妝達人Michelle Phan,PONY,Yuya,grav3yardgirl,Zoella,每一位都是在FB和推特上擁有幾百萬粉絲的美妝達人,除此之外還有台灣知名美妝師的牛爾也收到了邀請,最後一個環節就是評選他們心目中的好用彩妝,護膚品和面膜,彩妝和護膚品的排行現在春門時尚還沒有拿到,先把全球美妝達人評選的面膜給大家分享一下。這些面膜任何一款都值得用一次,效果真的都特別好。

1 Dior Concentrated Essence Mask

Overtime, stay up late, work pressure, PM2.5 invasion, so that excessive deposition of skin cells, molecular toxins and damaged, the skin needs deep detoxification. Dior"s first Dior mask, will be more clear algae essence into the muscle, with extraordinary muscle activating effect of deep cleaning, remove toxins, dense skin repair.

1 迪奧密集修護精華面膜

加班熬夜,工作壓力,PM2.5侵襲,使肌膚沉積過量細胞分子毒素而受損,肌膚需深層清毒調理。 Dior迪奧首款精華面膜,將更多清肌藻類精萃融入,獨具非凡清肌賦活功效, 深層清除毒素,密集修復肌膚。

2 Estee Lauder shine double effect Essence Mask

The most popular Estee Lauder red pomegranate series continued to produce four new products, which greatly captured the tendency of all girls" dressing tables. Estee Lauder red pomegranate series of turbidity effect amazing, this year"s ingredients have been upgraded. New red pomegranate berry composite essence, Ji 4 Shengguo, pomegranate antioxidant blueberries, Chinese wolfberry, cranberry.

2 雅詩蘭黛鮮亮煥采雙效精華面膜


3 announce snail facial mask

China Henan the Yellow River River Basin temperature and humidity is currently the world"s most suitable for snail growth environment, Henan origin snail natural solution is currently the best in the world, natural snail solution, improve skin. It has magical effect in reducing scars, acne marks, spots and pores. After use, the skin becomes soft and firm, wrinkles and large pores can be easily improved, and dry and allergic skin can return to a healthy and natural state. Snails liquid in Henan was Ian Korea and France and other major brands of cosmetics raw materials supply company has nearly 20 years.

3 宣致蝸牛面膜


4 La Mer Concentrated Whitening Essence Mask

Each set of mask which contain a 1.5ml precursor essence, I love most is the leading essence, in addition to containing magical active essence, and anti allergic ingredients can be soothing, skin conditioning to an optimal state

4 海藍之謎密集美白精華面膜


5 Avene facial mask

Wipe the skin immediately stretched, absorb quickly Oh, is used in the redness of the skin sunburn is very mild, no pain, very comfortable, can effectively repair the injured skin, make skin get rid of sensitive swelling.

5 雅漾修紅舒潤面膜


6 Petrov cucumber mask

Petrov is the United States in the field of world-class medical skin care brand, popular with many Hollywood stars and celebrities, as the one of the best mask product - cucumber facial mask, it is deep love Sarah Jessica Parker, this product can supplement water for the skin deep, more calm and repair or sunburn of the skin, can also be used for sleep the use of mask and mask.

6 彼得羅夫青瓜面膜


7 Royal Nectar bee venom mask

Bee venom, known as natural Botox, is rich in many proteins and enzymes. It has deep antioxidant activity and can stimulate the regeneration of collagen and elastin. And Royal Nectar this anti-aging mask, is also known as "natural Botox replacement", can effectively remove facial wrinkles, anti-aging! No wonder to be the beloved princess!

7 Royal Nectar 蜂毒面膜

蜂毒被譽為天然 Botox,富含多種蛋白質及酶類元素,具有深層抗氧能力,可刺激膠原蛋白及彈性蛋白的循環再生。而Royal Nectar的這款抗衰老的面膜,更是被譽為「天然肉毒桿菌替代品」,能有效祛除面部皺紋,延緩衰老!難怪能成為英國皇妃至愛!

8 Fu Lei poetry Natural Rose Moisturizing Mask

The one and only Fresh from France Rose Mask, top Damascus and rose essence, efficient moisturizing and repairing effects. "The United States Allure recognized first mask" - the world beauty, the United States Allure elected Best best mask first, Fresh mask is the only anti-aging mask, you can reach overnight.

8 馥蕾詩天然玫瑰潤澤保濕面膜

來自法國獨一無二Fresh的玫瑰面膜,頂級大馬士革玫瑰精萃而成,集高效保濕及修護功效。"美國 Allure 公認第一面膜" –世界beauty ,美國 Allure選出的Best 最佳面膜第一位,是Fresh面膜中唯一一款抗衰老面膜,可敷臉過夜。

9 Lancome Essence Mask

Lancome essence mask is a universal mask, whether it is dark, aging, Anti Wrinkle Repair, moisturizing, a mask can be all done. A mask is black bottle essence equivalent to half a bottle inside, and jelly texture can firmly lock the essence, do not waste, absorption are particularly fast! Used every time I feel like skin reborn!

9 蘭蔻精華肌底面膜


10 SK2 boyfriend mask

Known as the former boyfriend will turn back after the SK2 pitera essence mask is also a highly intensive repair mask. Full cream will make people feel surprise! The replenishment effect of super praise, youpi girl finished enough to wash the best advice. Restoration efforts are also very impressive, with a piece after the face of acne, acne, sunburn has almost disappeared.

10 SK2 前男友面膜

號稱用了之後前男友會回頭的SK2 pitera精華面膜也是一款修復力度極高的面膜。滿滿的精華也會讓人感覺到驚喜!補水效果超級贊,油皮妹子建議敷完最好洗一下。修復力度也非常可觀,用了一片之後臉上的粉刺、痘痘、曬斑幾乎都消失了。



請您繼續閱讀更多來自 春門時尚 的精彩文章:

有魅力的女人最好玩 結婚以後不覺得討厭
2017法國美容大獎公布 化妝品排行榜前十名
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美國生活雜誌評選 時尚女性最愛的化妝品排行榜
英國時尚發布 安全好用面膜排行榜10強

TAG:春門時尚 |


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