首頁 > 美容 > 2017年最佳護膚品排行榜前十名


1. LA MER miracle cream

Often pay attention to beauty fashion girls must have seen many times TA shadows, all of our conditioning praise rate and satisfaction also proves the comprehensive effect of super deep conservation! The main ingredient of LA MER cream comes from fresh algae that are not polluted in the South Pacific Ocean in California

1. LA MER 神奇面霜

經常關注美妝潮流資訊的妹紙們一定已經看到過很多次ta的倩影了,眾人對其滋潤修護功效的好評率與滿意度也再次驗證了超強的全面深層養護效果!LA MER面霜主要原料源於加州南太平洋無污染深海的新鮮海藻。

2.SK "skin care cream

SK "is a focus on Asian skin skin care brand service, strictly speaking, belong to the category of" luxury brand SK. SK "to" clear "brand philosophy, the main ingredient is Pitera, has formed a series of products were as the main component, the most famous fairy water. SK, God of water is the full name of SK / / skin care cream, a bottle of magic water containing 90.7% Pitera, you can rearrange the new cuticle to delicate skin and clear bright effect, shaping the success of meticulous degree, gloss, compactness, whiteness, crease resistance of 5 dimensions of the crystal skin, had to be by the effect of it.

2.SK‖ 護膚精華露


3. announce snail facial mask

This is a China from ancient Henan magic mask, environmental quality in the Henan River Basin in the Yellow River gave birth to the world"s best snail dope, this company already silently for South Korea and France and other manufacturers to provide nearly 10 years of raw materials, their brand because of the supply of raw materials, in China visibility is relatively low, but in the United States and Europe but by many Master beauty of love, and many European countries are selling very hot. Especially in cold countries, because the natural snail solution has excellent skin repair, it is called skin care gold.

3. 宣致蝸牛面膜


4.LANCOME clearing toner

As early as perfume started Lancome (LANCOME), the development has become a trend to guide the all-round cosmetics brand. Lancome pink water is their home star products, the official Chinese named Lancome Qing Ying toner, because the material appearance is pink, hence the name of the powder in water, which is a quite famous in the network products. Powder water is water, and can clean the skin in the skin is soft and moist enough, 200ml is priced at $320, while 400ml only $420, so the people first price, no wonder the use of so many people.

4.LANCOME 清瀅柔膚水

早以香水起家的蘭蔻 (LANCOME),發展至今已成為引導潮流的全方位化妝品品牌。蘭蔻粉水是他們家的明星產品,官方中文名叫蘭蔻清瀅柔膚水,由於料體外觀是粉紅色,因而得名粉水,這也是一款在網路上蠻有名氣的產品。粉水屬於柔膚水,在清潔皮膚的同時還能是皮膚足夠滋潤柔軟,200ml的售價為¥320,而400ml也只要¥420,這麼親民性的價位,也難怪使用的人是如此之多了。

5. CLARINS "blue bottle"

CLARINS blue bottle - Hengrun Qi muscle moisturizing essence, moisturizing essence and fusion plant technology, highly effective implementation of "four layers, the outer layer water, surface water, water lock layer, deep water, muscle bottom reservoir lasting full warehouse, water embellish beyond seasons. Gently shake before use, so that the water and oil double texture mixing fully, not only the rapid release of high water soluble and fat soluble essence energy, more rapid and deep absorption of skin, bring high efficiency replenishment surprise!

5. 嬌韻詩「小藍瓶」


6.CLINIQUE skin care three steps

Clinique Clinique original meaning is "clinic", is the first skin professional products to promote ordinary consumers cosmetics brand. It uses an original skin analyzer, the first to divide the skin into different types and introduce personalized counseling services. The core of Clinique"s three step song is to clean the cuticle and restore the skin to a healthy state. Suitable for all ages, gender, skin of the three step song is well deserved, every day essential skin care.

6.CLINIQUE 護膚三步曲

倩碧 Clinique的原義是「診所」,是第一個將皮膚學專業產品推廣給普通消費者的化妝品品牌。它利用獨創的皮膚分析器,第一個將皮膚分為不同類型,並推出個人化諮詢服務。倩碧三步曲的核心是清理肌膚角質層,讓肌膚回到健康的狀態。適合所有年齡,性別,膚質的三步曲是當之無愧的每天必備肌膚基礎護理。

7. Estee Lauder small brown bottle

In 1946, Estee Lauder created the Estee Lauder brand by thinking about the beauty of every woman"s desire. After more than half a century, it has won a broad reputation in the world for its leading technology and excellent effect. Today, Estee Lauder"s beauty, make-up and perfume products have been sold in more than 130 countries around the world. A small brown bottle of Estee Lauder, is called special run repair muscle through the essence, the main is to purify the skin, then root repair, remove the accumulated damage from the source through the night, the night peak breakthrough, strengthen the repair, moisturizing effect is superb! Stay up late after use, second days, the skin is very bright, not dark heavy, help goddess skin 24 hours in perfect condition.

7. 雅詩蘭黛 小棕瓶


8. Guerlain orchid imperial zhuoneng activate essence

The French "God" and "gold", a perfect fashion founder, a highly anticipated fragrance brand, a symbol of noble and elegant women. Orchid imperial zhuoneng Hwan live essence, begins with an over time on the rare flower - "orchid". Orchids are one of a large variety of species that have evolved throughout the plant kingdom.

8. 嬌蘭 御廷蘭花卓能煥活精華液


9. Innisfree fermented bean activate essence

Innisfree green by South Korea"s most famous cosmetics group amore Pacific Group developed naturalism cosmetics, is a perfect combination of technology and nature. It has been "fermented soybean research" as the core component, the star product - activate fermented bean essence 150ml, commonly known as "magic water", fermented soybean liquid contains 91%, 6 skin care effect, constantly exploring beautifying skin strength, let skin keep the original beauty.

9.悅詩風吟 發酵豆煥活精華露


10. Lancome essence liquid (small black bottle)

The most striking women online is famous brand Lancome, the most flourishing his family this black bottle essence muscle bottom liquid is also the market speculation, it is the world"s first "gene maintenance" and "the essence of muscle bottom liquid products, leading the new trend of global beauty! Only to keep skin from the beginning of" gene maintenance ". The basal skin will become more good, the skin will be more play the best effect.

10. 蘭蔻小黑瓶




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TAG:春門時尚 |


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