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最新2017年護膚品排行榜 目前最可信最權威的排名


1 Estee Lauder ESTEE LAUDER platinum Lotion

Thanks to his desire to bring beauty to every woman, Estee Lauder created the Estee Lauder brand. After more than half a century, it has won a broad reputation in the world for its leading technology and excellent effect. Today, Estee Lauder skin care, makeup and perfume products have been sold in more than 130 countries Adhere to the beauty of each woman"s original intention, commitment to scientific research breakthroughs and innovation, and maintain good communication with customers, these outstanding traditions continue to this day, and become a valuable foundation for future development.

1 雅詩蘭黛ESTEE LAUDER白金臻致乳液


2 Chanel CHANELCOCO Nourishing Lotion

Chanel founder Gabrielle Chanel in Paris in 1913 the creation of Chanel, Chanel a variety of products, clothing, jewelry, accessories, cosmetics, perfume, and each product is particularly well-known, far and near, her perfume and fashion. Chanel (CHANEL) is a famous brand for more than 80 years of experience, Chanel fashion has always elegant, concise, elegant style, she is good at breakthrough tradition, as early as 40s the successful "bound" dress to simple and comfortable, perhaps this is the earliest modern leisure clothing. Otherwise known as Chanel"s U.S. star and to "Chanel" in the name of the movie.

2 香奈兒CHANELCOCO小姐滋潤乳液

創始人Gabrielle Chanel香奈兒於1913年在法國巴黎創立香奈兒,香奈兒的產品種類繁多,有服裝、珠寶飾品、配件、化妝品、香水,每一種產品都聞名遐邇,特別是她的香水與時裝。 香奈兒(CHANEL)是一個有80多年經歷的著名品牌,香奈兒時裝永遠有著高雅、簡潔、精美的風格,她善於突破傳統,早40年代就成功地將「五花大綁」的女裝推向簡單、舒適,這也許就是最早的現代休閑服。另有叫做香奈兒的美國童星和以《香奈兒》為名的電影作品。

3 announce snail facial mask

This Chinese from Henan"s natural snail dope mask, the list is by virtue of the rich, snail dope in the Yellow River basin is recognized worldwide as the best use of the liquid snail, snail dope is called skin gold, popular in Europe, but in China there are a large number of chemical synthesis of snail stock solution to the bottom end of the market price shocks, so by now the Xuan sales center of gravity is still mainly in Europe and america. The Henan company has Ian snail dope for South Korea and Switzerland and other companies to provide raw materials for more than ten years, now they gradually replaced Ian in Europe and South Korea"s position and sales.

3 宣致蝸牛面膜


4 Benefit dreams toner

As a beauty solution brand, BENEFIT main push "camouflage" concept, and strive to use the simplest, most immediate effect, the most visible product of the mold, no makeup. In addition, a variety of highly creative product names, people in use at the same time, but also full of fun. Smile is the best cosmetics, so smile heartily!

4 貝玲妃 夢寐以求柔膚水


5 AVENE Avene comfort spring

An old Avene warmth originated in France, southwest of the town of cevennes. In seventeenth Century, the characteristics of a Avne live spring were discovered by a horse. Avene is located in the south of France cevennes. It is located 350 meters above sea level, located in the valley of Europe, L "Espinouse and L" Escandorgue two mountains in the center, 80 kilometers away from the mediterranean.

5 AVENE雅漾 舒護活泉水

雅漾源於法國西南地區塞文山脈中的一個古老溫情的小鎮。17世紀時,由一匹馬發現了Avne活泉水的特性。雅漾位於法國南部的塞文山脈。它海拔350米,坐落於歐伯山谷之中, L』Espinouse 和 L』Escandorgue兩山中間,距地中海80公里處。

6 CLARINS CLARINS multiple valve Night Cream

CLARINS CLARINS is the world famous brands from France, CLARINS CLARINS sales in Europe, the United States, Japan and many countries around the world, the developed countries have strict market supervision mechanism, the product is subject to strict inspection, is safe, can reach the national sales in these, the credibility can be detected trust, therefore, the CLARINS CLARINS security products, is completely trustworthy. CLARINS CLARINS is the production of breast slimming slimming and other functional cosmetics is known, is famous in the world, can be called the first brand of functional cosmetics, because of the effectiveness of its products, it established its significant position in the world of cosmetics industry. According to the overall feedback of global users, the effect is good.

6 嬌韻詩CLARINS多元瓣膜晚間乳


7 SK-ll skin care essence lotion

Skin care cream attracted countless women have moved, containing Pitera yeast extract is rich in various nutrients up to more than 90%, every day to provide adequate nutrition for the skin and the skin, deep moisturizing, balance the skin pH value, shape the moist smooth skin color.

7 SK-ll護膚精華露


8 Kiehl"s Calendula herbal toner

Kiehl"s insists on using the best ingredients for facial, body, skin and hair care products to satisfy customers" expectations for Kiehl"s products over the past 100 years. With the expertise, background and experience of beauty, pharmacy, herbal medicine and medicine, it is handed down from generation to generation to develop a unique Kiehl"s formula and incorporate the latest technology to produce special maintenance products.

8 科顏氏金盞花植物精華爽膚水


9 Lancome soft rejuvenation Lotion

This water tastes natural and has no artificial scent. Pat on the face feel more moisture, no alcohol cause trouble, so very gentle. After the water is used, the skin becomes soft and smooth instantly, while it is very gentle and very moisturizing. It makes the facial skin feel relaxed and pleasant.

9 蘭蔻 清柔嫩膚水


10 Biotherm split spring water -

Biotherm first hit the world town shop trump card. Each bottle contains the equivalent of 5000 liters of hot water contained in the rich PETP, only pea size, you can make the skin moisture, showing the perfect state.

10 碧歐泉活泉水分露





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TAG:春門時尚 |


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