【餐廳】正反設計 | 登門灶訪 ? 只為你家一碗吃的
"Food color also", eat for the Chinese people have a very important significance, it includes our people, things, things philosophy. Door of the "kitchen visit" one day is probably the case, the joy of the stove and busy hands with people coming and going laughter, it is expressed in China is the interpretation of food culture.
Cooking left the traces of years of baptism of the rust, the window, "Castle Peak rolling"surfaced. Under the rain, the raindrops dripping down the eaves in the home to find the stone basin, which is to enter the "stove visit" to see the appearance, I remember a child, I like the fire in the stove, the new pot slowly change the old pot , It changes like ink spilled in the rice paper, elegant but bohemian.
"Door stove visit only for your family to eat a bowl," simple and sincere words in the dark lights under the special conspicuous, I am very emotional in the past, then open the window with a sunny breeze, the neighborhood Between the family wanted no barriers. The "stove visit" through the window to the indoor and outdoor contact together, the deck of the hand-painted mountains constitute a fun and real relationship, from the outdoor look at the room, the window as if the mountains around the morning fog has not dispersed.In the interior of the space, pedestrians coming and going, or as a smile, or chatter home made.
In my impression of the 1970s is the era of the rise of residential tenants, green wall paint,slowly rotating the fan, placed a small square stool ................ These scenes have created the space of the body, the room continued the construction of timber, with a trace of cooking black steel plate runs through the entire space, the deck area using carbonized wood, the stove in the charcoal elements were deconstructed and reorganized. In advertently, see the orchid bowl fragments into the terrazzo floor. Continue to experience its history.
The times changed a lot, but never changed the attachment and persistence of food.
正反設計 | 登門灶訪
正反設計創始人王琛先生和蔣沙君女士總是在尋求一些看似平凡卻有獨特美的設計元素,一個天馬行空,一個細膩無聲,一正一反默契互補。兩人白天在公司的時間相對極少,而是埋頭在工地現場,以專業的眼光和負責任的態度去對待每一次的挑戰。才會有了如同畫展空間般的【生活&態度】,脫離傳統健身房模式的【齒輪健康工作室】,充滿「童趣」和「夢境」的【OLIN E MELI】生活館,能勾起人內心對童年味道的【灶訪】餐廳,能讓主人互動起來的空間【一居·二享】......在正反設計的作品裡總能發現屬於他們獨特的設計風格和對作品透徹的詮釋。設計之餘,王琛先生和蔣沙君女士會應邀出席一些演講,去詮釋他們的作品,分享他們的風格,講述他們的故事,以及如何創意改變一個空間的過程。
設計公司 | 寧波正反室內設計諮詢有限公司
完成年份 | 2017年
建築面積 | 305㎡
項目地址 | 中國, 寧波
攝 影 師 | 王飛
設 計 者 | 王琛、蔣沙君
主要材料 | 拉絲碳墨木板、明代瓷片、糯米灰白膩子、火噴鋼板等
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