然而,經過20多天來美國警方和美國聯邦調查局 (FBI)的調查以及各界人士的全力搜尋,卻傳來了我們最不願意聽到的消息:在調查過程中,執法人員認為,章瑩穎已經遇害。 (During the investigation of this matter, law enforcement agents believe that Ms. Zhang is no longer alive)。
就在幾天前,FBI 已經鎖定了涉嫌綁架章瑩穎的嫌疑人 —— 布倫特·克里斯滕森(Brendt Christensen),此人曾是章瑩穎所在的伊利諾伊大學物理系的一名助教。
目前的最新進展是,FBI 已經逮捕了克里斯滕森,並於當地時間7月3日上午10點舉行了首次法庭聆訊 。
據伊利諾伊州當地媒體the News-gazette 報道,首次法庭聆訊十分簡短,只持續了9分鐘。
在法庭上,身穿囚衣、腳戴鐐銬的嫌犯克里斯滕森除了表明了解自己應有的權利外,全程一言不發,拒不認罪。法官Eric Long 拒絕了其保釋要求。但辯方律師要求,將在兩天後(7月5日)再次舉行庭審。屆時,法庭將會決定嫌犯是否取保候審。
U.S. Magistrate Judge Eric Long has ordered the man accused of kidnapping Yingying Zhang to be held without bond until his next court hearing, two days from now.
Brendt Christensen, 28, of Champaign, made his first appearance in a packed courtroom at the federal courthouse in Urbana this morning.
Wearing a prison jumpsuit and shackled at the ankles, Christensen did not speak during a hearing that lasted nine minutes, other than to acknowledge that he understood his rights.
Long asked Christensen s attorney, Evan Bruno of the Urbana-based Bruno Law Firm, whether he was ready to take a stand on bail.
When Bruno asked for a few days, Long set a detention hearing for 3 p.m. Wednesday. At that time, bond will be determined.
但近日FBI公開的一份刑事起訴書 (criminal complaint)中,則披露了章瑩穎案的更多細節。
FBI的起訴書中提到,此款黑色土星牌阿斯特拉轎車 (Saturn Astras) 在伊利諾斯州香檳市註冊在案的,只有18輛。
而其中一輛的車主,便是克里斯滕森。FBI在排查中發現,克里斯滕森所有的這輛轎車有一扇天窗,並且副駕駛位置的輪轂罩處有破損 —— 這些都與監控中出現的涉事車輛相一致。
From the surveillance video, the driver s identity was hard to tell. But he drove an unusual car. And there were only 18 four-door Saturn Astras registered in Champaign County, Illinois, the FBI agent wrote.
One of those Astras was registered to Christensen. And when investigators visited Christensen s apartment complex, they discovered his car had a sunroof and a cracked front passenger hubcap -- just like the car in the surveillance footage.
Authorities got a warrant to search Christensen s vehicle and noticed the front passenger door of Christensen s car "appeared to have been cleaned to a more diligent extent than the other vehicle doors," the criminal complaint says.
"I believe that this type of action may be indicative of an attempt to conceal or destroy evidence," Manganaro wrote.
When authorities interviewed Christensen on June 12, he initially said he couldn t remember where he was between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. the day of the kidnapping, the FBI agent wrote.
"He later advised, however, he must have been either sleeping or he was playing video games at his residence all day on June 9," Manganaro wrote.
But when authorities interviewed Christensen again on June 15, "Christensen admitted to driving around the UI campus when he observed an Asian female with a backpack standing at a corner appearing distressed," the FBI agent wrote.
"Christensen claimed that he drove up to the Asian female, who relayed she was late to an appointment. Christensen stated that he offered the Asian female a ride."
According to the criminal complaint, Christensen said he may have made a wrong turn, and the woman panicked. At that point, he said, he let his passenger out of the car a few blocks away from where he had picked her up.
他訪問了該網站中一個名為「綁架 101」(Abduction 101)的論壇,裡面有一些關於「完美綁架幻想」(Perfect abduction fantasy) 以及「策劃一場綁架」等帖子。
Investigators searched Christensen s phone and discovered a visit to the website FetLife -- where the user visited a forum called "Abduction 101," Manganaro wrote.
Threads on that forum included "Perfect abduction fantasy" and "planning a kidnapping," the complaint said.
Investigators obtained search warrants and started "continuous surveillance" on Christensen. And authorities say the ensuing evidence contradicts Christensen s claim that he had let Zhang get out of his car a few blocks away from where she was picked up.
"Christensen was captured on audio recording while under law enforcement surveillance explaining how he kidnapped Y.Z.," or Yingying Zhang, the complaint said.
"Christensen stated that he brought Y.Z. back to his apartment, and otherwise held her in his apartment against her will," the complaint said. It did not elaborate on the circumstances of the recorded remarks.
在布倫特·克里斯滕森(Brendt Christensen) 的領英主頁上,資料顯示他是和章瑩穎同校的博士生。
"Everybody is shocked by this," said Lance Cooper, an associate head for graduate studies in the department.
"There were no flags, no discipline issues with him, no problem with his teaching, no problems with his coursework."
David Meldgin, a teaching assistant in the physics department, said he had an office next door to Christensen for two years, though they spoke only a few times.
"He was a quiet person in meetings, but he always helped students who needed help." Meldgin said. "I m really surprised."
該校物理系助教David Meldgi的辦公室就在克里斯滕森的隔壁,兩年中兩人僅僅說過幾次話。
過去幾年,他喜歡一個來自瑞典通巴的名叫Amon Amarth的樂隊,該樂隊的風格是死亡金屬和重金屬。他點贊了《美國殺人魔》一書,這本書講述的是一個擁有雙重性格的華爾街驕子瘋狂殺人的故事。
The crowd of demonstrators who rallied behind Yingying Zhang s family included hundreds of students, professors and concerned strangers.
It also included the man suspected of kidnapping her, officials say.
A photo taken by CNN s Kaylee Hartung at Thursday s rally shows Brendt Christensen, the man who would later be identified as the suspect, in the upper right corner, the University of Illinois and campus police said.
美國檢察官辦公室的發言人表示,如果嫌犯的綁架罪成立,克里斯滕森將面臨終身監禁的判決。而如果該綁架案導致了人員死亡,判決將更為嚴厲 —— 克里斯滕森將被處以強制性的無期徒刑或是死刑。
If convicted of the federal kidnapping charge, Christensen faces up to life in prison, according to Sharon Paul, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney』s office.
However, in federal kidnapping cases where a death occurs, the penalty is heavier -- either mandatory life or the death penalty, prosecutors said. Under federal law, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions decides which penalty federal prosecutors pursue.
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