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案例 Casestudy┃網路及商店訂單的多批次揀貨


Multiple Batch Picking For Online And Store Orders

客戶The Customer

Kjell公司通過網路和在瑞典的80家店鋪銷售家庭電氣設備的配件。 公司有超過600名員工供應北歐消費電子產品最大範圍的配件。他們的產品超過9000多件,包括從蘋果手機殼,手機充電器,到更複雜的產品。公司總部位於瑞典的Malm?,並在中國上海有一間採購辦公室。

Kjell & Company sells accessories for home electronics online and through a network of 80 stores in Sweden. The company has over 600 employees and offers the Nordic』s widest range of accessories for consumer electronics. They offer more than 9,000 articles,including everything from iPhone covers, mobile phone chargers to more sophisticated accessories. The headquarters are located in Malm?, Sweden and there is a purchasing office in Shanghai.

1任務定義 Task definition


The existing static shelving system did not offer the flexibility and efficiency required for both the online business and deliveries to the network of stores following the company』s sustained growth.The 8,000 square meter distribution and logistics hub in Malm? was reaching full capacity. There was the need to look for a storage solution that could optimize use of the space available whilst also helping to contribute to faster and more accurate picking for both stores and online orders, and create the additional storage capacity needed to allow for continued expansion.


卡迪斯提供的方案為12台雙開口,帶循色揀貨系統的Shuttle XP (每次6台,分兩次安裝)幫助客戶提高準確度的加快揀貨時間。在每一個開口上方都有一個觸屏監控顯示器使操作者(通常1-4人,但在忙碌時段可增加到兩倍)清晰地看到正在揀取哪個顏色的貨品。發給商店的電子商務的訂單可以從不同的開口同時揀取。操作者可以輕鬆地在減去電商訂單,存放退貨,補充庫存,商店訂單和發送訂單模式之間轉換。這一方案很靈活並且易於在現有倉庫安裝,極大地利用現有的倉庫高度。Shuttle XP提供的存貨安保系統可以很容易地同現有系統結合。 JMIF系統也作為方案的一部分用以整合全部的物料流流程,並使Kjell可以對物料從進入倉庫到離開倉庫進行全面的控制。

The solution provided was 12 Shuttle XPs(in 2 installments of 6 units) with dual access openings and a colour picking system to help improve accuracy levels and picking times. Above each opening there is a touch screen display monitor allowing the operators (normally 1-4 but can double in busy periods) to clearly see which colour batch they are picking for.Deliveries for stores and ecommerce orders can be picked simultaneously from the different access openings. Operators can easily switch between picking ecommerce orders, loading returned goods and new inventory, store orders and express orders. The solution is flexible and easy to install in the existing warehouse, making optimal use of the available ceiling height. In addition, the Shuttle XP provides security for the goods and is easily integrated into existing systems. JMIF software was also delivered as part of the solution to integrate the whole material flow process and provide Kjell with full control of the materials from when they enter the warehouse till they leave.

3進程描述Process description


We would be delighted to explain the different processes in detail in a personal consultation.


– 減少90%的空間使用 (在第一次安裝6台Shuttle XP 250後,空間使用從800平米降到80平米)

– 更高效的揀貨 (每小時接近120-200次揀貨),而貨架系統的揀貨時間是每小時70次左右。

– 提高員工以及存貨安全度

– 多批量揀貨

4Advantage at a glance

– 90 % space reduction (from 800 m2 to 80 m2, after 1st installation of 6 Shuttle XP 250)

– Faster picking times (around 120-200 picks an hour), compared to shelving system, where the picking time was around 70 picks per hour

– Increased safety for employees and improved security

– Multiple batch picking


– 12台Shuttle XP 250,托盤尺寸:3050 x 610,設備尺寸:3480 x 2310 x 7950

– Kardex JMIF (Java機器界面) 軟體


– Sumoboxes


5Scope of delivery

– 12 Shuttle XP 250, tray dimension: 3,050 x 610, machines: 3,480 x2,310 x 7,950

– Kardex JMIF (Java Machine Interface) software

– Colour picking system

– Sumoboxes

– Plexi-glass panels



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